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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. whats the original hunter mod ? good job though
  2. there is 83 friends so far and more to come
  3. ya its gonna be great
  4. nielsss = nox13666
  5. 29 true good sig
  6. ya i know i mean three in the video are wrong they says its a sniper medal for like killing spree
  7. i think three of the ones in the video are wrong [youtube:1eiukty1]plfqMtiAH9U[/youtube:1eiukty1]
  8. fattwam

    My MSN

    that sucks , i have a lot of account cause my main one has to many people who all just say hey at the same time and im like who the **** are you
  9. hey peach take a look at it i fixed it up with the help of legacy
  10. N lol peach "J"
  11. well i changed it so it has a skin , if anyone has a better skin tell me and i will change it http://myspace.com/ibotmodzz
  12. L
  13. 21
  14. I
  15. lol , you all cheat the noob way , but still i own all you guys in gold http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2508-651.png
  16. my school not did not block ibotmodz ...yet
  17. LMAO 45 emails but hey 45 out of around 600 aint bad , just wait till xmas or next year lol
  18. its says Happy Hallpween instead of Halloween , but you get the point HAPPY HALLOWEEN my bad lol
  19. G
  20. MY SIG SAYS IT ALL / / / / / / / / /
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