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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. what ?
  2. ok cool
  3. where is chat box ?
  4. lol
  5. froob/fruib = fruit + noob
  6. wow waste of time , no more spam !
  7. well at least it was not a big expense, but ya sounds good one that will be on every page.
  8. lol , fruib/noob/froob
  9. omg me to lol , we is lazy lol
  10. is the one you marked "old old one" the one we had before on this site or the really old one on the old site"
  11. ewww thats just nasty
  12. how will they stop use if we can ftp and see everything that is on our console
  13. ya me earthier lol
  14. lol , that would be sick
  15. i don't even have halo 3 , lol
  16. lol ok , good luck , the text looks good
  17. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4013-399.png ?
  18. how am i spaming your not he means just keep it that way
  19. hahahahha, serious?? no but its weird what some ppl do w/ their 360's if you look at the comments on my you tube you will see someone is pissed off cause i think he melted his 360
  20. ya its a good mod , lol making modz is easy but sometimes its just like dam i don't want to or in other words we get lazy , believe me im a lazy son of a b1tch
  21. usually true , but sometimes you get a person that you can understand and knows what your talking about lol
  22. lol , i wounder is the xbox 360 warranty will covered a melted xbox call 18004myxbox you - ya hi i need to check to see if the xbox 360 warranty covers my problem Xbox support - ok sure what happened you - i put it in a oven xbox support - click you - hello , hello .... ?
  23. true video of the week "might" help but I DON'T RECOMMEND IT, proceed at own risk
  24. exactly and did you see what they are all trying to say http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... eater1-p=1
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