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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. oh thats a real post . cool i never knew that
  2. why does it say the Google[bot] is posting ? http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2433-655.png
  3. fattwam


    CLOSED Mod edit: It was closed for people who were asking, for off-topic and a flame fest
  4. thanks , you have been awarded 10'000 gold
  5. it was a good try , to try to fool some people into thinking it was true
  6. well i have had this fan bar for a while , and i thought that i need a new one , so ya if anyone could do that for me i will give you 10'000 gold on the main site
  7. lol , not gonna work
  8. ok cool, rep would be good
  9. b
  10. why is the increase and decrease karma button not always there or its only there on certain members in a topic ?
  11. lol now i ban you , and you cant ban me haha
  12. MINES BETTER , lol BTW if you drew that you fail http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:WodbUmbyBxVjMM:http://www.saynotocrack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/duck.gif
  13. well think of it , its so easy to do , you have to be stupid to just give away money or whatever just for getting people referrals , and so many people doing it there is no way that a company like that could make any money , and you also have to give all your personal info
  14. with trying to get the site back to what it was all the updates and backup we have to make every night and waiting for new phpbb3 updates and bug that people are reporting to get fixed , believe me we have LOTS of work still remaining on the site but i do promise you that yes you will get your post count back , give it a little more time once again i apologize for all the time delays of post changing , hang in there
  15. sounds good unless there are some flaws that you are not telling us , but other wise i say yes
  16. fattwam


    im not gonna lie smoking pot is enjoyable, but its natural unless its lased with something , not like cigarettes they are BAD. still im against drugs
  17. its really easy if you have CMR just open an unmodded map in cmr and look at where it says map signature and if its an unmodded map that signature will be the clean map signature you know what i mean?
  18. lol , crappy map pack
  19. i will do it but i want at least $5 bucks , lol BTW i don't think its legit
  20. lol stupid person, ME - ya i need halp with my xbox i keep getting an error Asian Lady - you need help with a what ?
  21. fattwam

    [][] Forge [][]

    i cant wait to get my new computerso i can play this one
  22. why does it always sound like all the xbox 360's were made crappy, everyone is having problems.
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