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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. it was so much fun their all trying to say that halo 3 is so good and so much bull $hit im like holy $hit its a dam video game http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... eater1-p=1
  2. lol , off topic , sweeney whats wrong with your sig , its so small
  3. totally random but i made this for the Video of the week starting http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3911-408.jpg
  4. lol in my topic , lmao but ok im still gonna shit talk them ill just remove the link but OMG so funny
  5. its already like that , i think it has something to do with this - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... eater1-p=1 i posted something on bungie about how halo 3 is bad , i just wanted to see how many people would get upset i also posted a link saying click here the link was to the ibotmodz forum lmao so many upset nerds lol
  6. lmao more has been added , look how pathetic these ners are they are all so upset that someone is shit talking there favorite game lol very funny Direct link - http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx ... eater1-p=1
  7. ya i know lol
  8. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3880-409.png lol
  9. i did this just to *** with some people its funny how people get so defensive over a video game look at the pics ( you will have to click to enlarge )
  10. just pay a little more and get a new one , just get premium its worth it getting is new cause then you still have all the warranty ( believe me you will need that for the ring if you get it )
  11. Moved - Off Topic
  12. so true. if we do get hacked we can easily restore to the night before and only loose a few posts
  13. we also have defense.
  14. i is cool
  15. button combos live again , lol
  16. just like i said IPB is not safe
  17. i will change it to 859 (thats what it was on the old site) but since we did all our updates the php post change mod has not been reinstalled but when it is , ill change your post count
  18. Maybe someone at syntheticsecurity anyways ipb is very unsafe , so many exploits . php is much safer. iBotModz does a backup very frequently
  19. your color codes got screwed up
  20. fattwam

    2 month gen

    MadModder stop double posting , just edit your posts but anyways closed
  21. why don't you guys just use snagit8, i find that it works the best
  22. this topic is named "Xbox Live accounts!!" not bump war , is their seriously any more accounts ?
  23. the ranking system SUCKS, in halo 2 with out cheating or being cheated its was hard to become a lvl 30 - 40 and 40 - 50 was just like impossible, but in halo 3 everyone i know is all like ooo im a lvl 43 and 48 and 50 its way to easy to gain lvls not even a challenge
  24. fattwam

    2 month gen

    ok , first of all THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 2 MONTH GEN. , what people used before was just a 16 digit random code generator , that why people would always say works every 1 out of 50 , but now that Microsoft is not making anymore 2 months its almost impossible to get a code through a generator it might be like 1 in 10'000 work. and it probably has a virus or something in it , PM = BAD IDEA
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