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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. fattwam


    lol http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3308-473.png
  2. OMG i hate that thing
  3. lol , closed
  4. fattwam


    what are you testing ?
  5. lol , your right i guess what i was mass moving topics i kinda got screwed up whatever
  6. i check on old site and i added about 20 posts so its at 660 NEXT
  7. hi
  8. VERY VERY TRUE , Zanzibar used to be a great map
  9. ok , this is getting stupid first off now that it is easy to change post count i have started a topic , tell me what it was and ill change it , don't be a dick and say it was something huge or ill change it to 0 link to post count topic - viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1020
  10. you had 371 + 13 = 384
  11. halo 3 gets bored after like 2 months and halo 2 was popular for like years, its also way to easy to gain levels , but its because everyone had very high standards the way i see it is that there were technological improvement in the way people made video games from when halo 1 was released until halo 2 was released , like the graphics were so much better and games started to become longer and with live just being new to xbox halo 2 was great , but there has not been many new improvement in the way game technology is being made just the graphics are a little better , so all bungie could do to try to make halo 3 a great game was to make new maps new rank system new weapons new vehicles and new armor, so in the end all bungie could do is basically make halo 2 and just add new things and a new campaign.
  12. DONE, Who's Next
  13. it was really old anyway i had that respect list since the old site
  14. how bout we agree on 825 ? deal
  15. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3167-498.png 527 + 138 = 665
  16. ok now that it is much easier to change post count i will start changing them so just post what it was or what it was around , and ill change it within 2 days for sure, usually instantly also don't say that it used to be like 2000-5000 cause ill check and make sure.
  17. i just looked at the new way to change posts much easier , great and ill start change other post im gonna start a topic just tell me what the post count was and ill change it
  18. then what will it be replaced to? all those guys like cesar and anarchy say "im going to become active again" post one time then dissapear thats so true , lol
  19. Thanks , im not sure what else to say this is kinda awkward
  20. we will wait till peach posts on this , well goodnight im going to bed not postin anymoretonight
  21. ya we are not changing hoster's we got a god one after a longtime of looking
  22. yes thats what iv always wanted to do , but we need peach to post because he does not like illegal topics, besides we would not want our site taken away. i wounder if there is a way to get around it.
  23. here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3091-505.png [url="http"][img=http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5409/sitexp4.png][/url] good for now i guess , i can fix or what ever tomorrow , going to bed
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