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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. really you mass email sent, i have never got one
  2. we just need a VERY GOOD way to advertise to get more members any suggestions ?
  3. i saw the post and all i have to say is wow...
  4. we need to keep advertising don't give up guys we have a great site here we just need more members
  5. well next time he comes back online restore is sub admin powers
  6. he means the patches that let you mod in matchmaking not many people have them and 1.5 is REALLY hard to find
  7. i was eating a pear so i wanted a sig
  8. lol i see you still use that macro i gave you lol and you changed your password to something good right so it can not be brute forced easily
  9. New Pear Sig cesar made me http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1610-15.png http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:7pf8AJlg2nhQjM:http://k53.pbase.com/u26/dannysmythe/large/43277044.Pear.jpg
  10. its 12:58 AM 12
  11. yo nielsss check your pm i sent you a message with everything that happened if you have any question PM me back
  12. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1580-21.jpg LOL
  13. fattwam


    good to see you again , how have ya been
  14. 777 lol 7
  15. ok peach that sounds great also to all members please continue to advertise the site so that we are able to get new members and grow Due to the back up we lost several members
  16. NUMBA 5
  17. number 4
  18. OMG , NOOOOOOO 2
  19. yes cant wait until full back up, and i also hope that his ISP deleted his account if you need more help peach just ask
  20. i would have to say Dragonforce Guns N Roses Dream Theater ACDC
  21. its just a glitch , it does not show the match making map you play it never does , like i said it just shows the last custom game/campaign map you played
  22. lol cesar
  23. does not work !!!
  24. o thats funny lol
  25. LOL , thats never going to happen
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