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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. fattwam

    Im moving

    lol , thats what he did , i already talked to him on MSN but his internet is slow he said 500 download and 300 upload
  2. you play live or xbc ?
  3. fattwam


    due to updates
  4. Common cesar your gving your self a bad rep, i still like you but common man your being an asshole so true , your not active any more and the only things you post here are negative
  5. ya legacy i told you in the cbox to PM it to me , id be glad to post something for anyone just PM me
  6. no free sites let you have over 7 gb disk space
  7. they failed , lol
  8. but still you know someone will figure out a way to cheat and not get banned , guarantee
  9. sure ill try , and scan
  10. fattwam


  11. fattwam


    Closed this is totally pointless , and to much flam and i know for a fact that brute is alpha. also cesar next time you ban someone use a better reason
  12. fattwam

    4 new ones

  13. hmm still vid of week or no ???
  14. well just like people did in halo 2 there will be an unbannable patch made
  15. just like he said the 1.5 xbe patch is really hard to find and if you change your ip address your internet wont work, bungie only host bans ip's and you can change your eeprom but you need a unbanned one
  16. sounds like a good idea guys , just don't go spam some hacking site or modding sites that we have had problems with in the past
  17. i was thinking of cereal lol
  18. it will be vid of the week next week
  19. fattwam


    lol i deleted the post that was under mine but i used admin powers
  20. its actually called fruity loops http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3346-472.gif
  21. Who the F(_)CK voted its to late, you will see ibotmodz WILL LIVE AGAIN
  22. fattwam


    delete this
  23. Closed
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