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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. i actually lol'ed When you say "Ads amount to a grand total of what, 10% of the sites payment?" im guessing you mean "Income/Revenu" im curious to find out where did you get this number from ? Or did you just make it up to make your argument sound more realistic ? Not all websites sell products to create income, Most if not all websites that do not sell products make money via ads. For example : Youtube - They dont sell anything but they have ads on all their page. Google - Google owns Adsence they take a percent from all ads they are displaying. Facebook - Facebook displayes ads on all user profiles. Myspace - Myspace had ads on all user pages just like facebook. Photobycket - Displayes ads on all their pages. Flickr - Flickr displayes ads on all their pages aswell. So far i do not see a point in your argument... Anyways, Back on track First you say Then you say So iBotModz does not sell a product or service, This is why we are displaying ads I look forward to reading your Rebuttal -fattwam
  2. Currently iBotModz is being hosted on one of my dedicated servers with the specs of Core2Quad Q6600 2.4GHz (quad-core/64bit support) 4GB RAM 750GB 7200 HDD 100Mbit port - full duplex Unmetered transfer And saying that "ads to make money is a piss poor excuse" is just plain wrong... My current main source of income is from ads and is currently paying for both of my dedicated servers and licencing, PLUS all my "In Real Life" activities So i would suggest you do some research befor making false statments. And yes "Xbox360ISO" is loaded with ads, you have to find a nice happy medium with a good "CTR" Thanks fattwam
  4. fattwam

    Worth the buy?

    When your 50 these specs will be in every calculator
  5. was it me who suggested that ?
  6. we just have to find a nice happy medium for the ads cause sure everyone hates ads but it makes the site money and helpspays for hosting charges. Cause right now sure we have almost no ads but we arnt making that much money
  7. they have ads to another host on their site lol Their displaying Site5 ads Also they are being hosted by softlayer
  8. im pushin close to 5tb a month what site is this anyways lol doesnt sound that good:rofl:
  9. fattwam

    Loading Times

    sounds Good
  10. if not ill take it
  11. "why do all" Google - why do all the black kids sit together in the cafeteria Yahoo - why do all my teeth hurt lol google epic win:yes
  12. i created the emails 1@UK7.org - 130@UK7.org and got people to sign them all up and then got 8 randoms...easy points the best part was when lockers sent out the emails saying they were deleting all fraud point they sent me an email saying they were taking away only 30 points...i lol'ed
  13. i got it
  14. if you wanna cheat just buy a booter lol
  15. i found this easy, i did it with only 3 people and one of us signed in a second account and we still did it. We also signed in a second account for the campaign one
  16. lol before they implemented they "Security features" i made 300 emails with my server and added them all as friends the only thing i regret is i should have made more the funny thing is though when they said we are taking away the point that you got that were fake they took away 27 out of the 800 i got for fake emails.
  17. i know you didnt edit it but...wayyy over edited and i see most comments on that video agree with with.
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