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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9527/lockers.png
  2. yeah do it.
  3. i got my email
  4. fattwam


    waste of money
  5. i miss halo 2 :crybaby: :crybaby:
  6. i find your stuff a little over priced
  7. Bank Logins and paypals are easy to get
  8. Happy New Year Even though i had to work... 5PM - 5AM
  9. Im guessing he will ship anyware since the buyer is paying
  10. talk to me when your on
  11. add me, my msn is in my sig
  12. fattwam


    xbc was the best back in the day...
  13. Any one wanna buy Bots Rooted Sites Unix Bots Cpanels Logs Setups Accounts Spreading ?
  14. anyone wanna buy bots ?
  15. i got a lockers account with 1196 points if you wanna buy
  16. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/fattwam/avatar-body.png
  17. Video of the week: DEC 7 - 13 I was trying decide between 2 i had in mind, couldnt decide so i chose this
  18. why do you need this ?
  19. fattwam

    glasses now

    I don't were glasses and i eventually will
  20. fattwam

    glasses now

    4 eyes
  21. This is one of the most important things in this discution, If you do not actually own a website then you basically have no say, Just because of the face that you dont have to deal with cost of running a site. Why constanly use money that you are making in real life to spend online if your not even getting a "kick back' i might aswell just throw money away everymonth. But in my situation im making enough money in ads to pay for everything online PLUS stuff in my real life. If you ever own a website you will understand how important ad revenue is. Ads are very benefical. Some site's do go way over board, But the owner knows that he can load up the site with ads and he knows that he still wont lose any traffic
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