lmao. Thing is, that has a sense of humour behind it. I admit I had a little giggle And this one: http://danke.h4xmb.com/test/haircut.PNG EDIT: how bout we have competition, who can photoshop the best pic using mine or halodude's pic? yah
Well, i'm not emo... Also, hummmmm: Picture removed to "reasons". hummm. If you would still like to see it, lostmodz quoted my post and it contains the picture. look down. I have had people vouch for that pic too.
I'v never seen one of your's Also, I was talking about how you were -reping me and negative commenting on my utube vid... Finally I don't know about you, but I don't wear panties.
I thik it's a simple edit. It's a file in your PC that holds redirects, you can do this by editing that in notepad. I forgot the file though, something in system.
If your so amazing kendall, then how did I made the Bungie Blog and your scarab gun video didn't? hummm... http://www.bungie.net/News/Blog.aspx?mode=news#SLASONK
Guest : (Today, 06:50 PM) Congratulations, you have successfully installed IP.Shoutbox! Now you need to setup the shoutbox permissions in ACP -> Members TAB -> Manage User Groups -> Edit a Group -> IP.Shoutbox TAB for me. qqqqq
wow. I'm sorry, but i'm failing to see any login in this whats so ever. So it's there last game. Modding Halo 1/2 made one of the biggest communities ever in gaming history, ever. It also played a big part in making Halo the big name it is today. If we Modded Halo Wars, we could help it get even bigger, make it live in Gaming history and make Ensemble Studios's name live on.
What the hell do you think, you don't open a multiplayer map on some random thing, and it magically just opens so you can edit it, Jesus Christ. I swear kids don't use brains these days, or have the brain power to use common sense.
SLASONK?!?!??!! What the Blam is that i hear you saying, well SLASONK stands for; "Solo, Lengendary, All Skulls on, No Killing". Basacaly what you do is Play through a campaign level in Legendary, Solo and with all the Skulls on (13). Then you don't shoot or damage a single enemy. Simple i hear you saying, well no. It's not. No really, it's not. Anyway thats enough typing for me, so here the video and Bnet Campaign Sheet: Campaign Sheet: Click Me! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsg4zZcV_n4 And the obvious question, "Can i haz Recon?".