Proof 1: He swapped in RTH, notice a pause between picking it up and shooting... Proof 2: I had all skulls on, and the scarab tag is loaded at the time...
KIWI says: 1. No Triggers 2. the "floor" in the building are triangles thrown outside the BSP (if I made you brainhurt please stop reading) 3. The assult rifle is wtf 4. No tag exist for Scarab/Diffrent gun all the stocks. 5. I dont give a shit about this vid, so ppl stop messaging me about it kthxbai?
I never said he did... Also can i clear some things up? I was playing with all skulls (-Blind) I was playing in Legendary Edit. visocar, i stole a vid from you then removed it because all of your vids are stolen and i felt like pissing you off. also, if they were offline accounts, how where both moving when i only have one controller(which i cant prove), and wouldnt my video be split screen if there were two people in the game on the same xbox? stupid. btw i have that letter you sent me begging for an apology and admitting you dont know anything about map modding, nice one. now i have proof you are retarted and a fake. Did i ever send this letter? No. You got your mum on another controller, or played on Pnet with M and you both changed your tags. (I know M1992 is retarded enough todo that)
Written By: Dakote Liar: halodu03de Proof By: Dakote Okay, firstly lets watch halodu03de's video: Now watch Mine: So firstly, i noticed that on ActualGlory's recent Campaign Games: #1 The Map of the Video. #2 Played 3 Days ago, wouldn't take that long to capture, edit and upload. #3 Number of players, 4. It was 2 in the video: Then i click on the game. The Gamertag isn't halodu03de, but Halodu0DSTde (his new GT). He has killed: 1: Brute Leader 2: Brutes 3: Grunts 3: Jackals He killed more than that in the video... Inc a Scarab. So once again, i just owned Halodude 100%. Written By: Dakote
Liar: halodu03de
Proof By: Dakote
Okay, firstly lets watch halodu03de's video:
Now watch Mine:
So firstly, i noticed that on ActualGlory's recent Campaign Games:
#1 The Map of the Video.
#2 Played 3 Days ago, wouldn't take that long to capture, edit and upload.
#3 Number of players, 4. It was 2 in the video:
Then i click on the game.
The Gamertag isn't halodu03de, but Halodu0DSTde (his new GT).
He has killed:
1: Brute Leader
2: Brutes
3: Grunts
3: Jackals
He killed more than that in the video... Inc a Scarab.
So once again, i just owned Halodude 100%. There is a code of it, repost on any website as you wish. Just leave it as it is, don't add your name. >_> And don't forget to +rep!
Real Time Halo means: you can edit the game in real time, he swapped the projectile in Real Time (he shot then swapped then shot again). Your the dumbass. Also: