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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Thats sums it up, thanks gaby.
  2. In the [scen] structure, find the sky. Thats what you swap with.
  3. Are you ******* high or something?
  4. +rep
  5. It's legitimate. It's from the internetz.
  6. Nice avatar...
  7. Because it's halo 3, and bungie coded it.
  8. Are you retarded? Theres a ******* search bar... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/14946-how-to-make-your-armor-super-white/page__pid__98561__st__20entry98561
  9. You have a firm grasp of the obvious.
  10. Go to the checkpoint on the level "Tavso Highway" where the bridge in the pic is. Make sure your in Single Player. Then, find the warthog with the marine in it, and drive it up where ever you want. Kill the marine and another hog will come. Just keep going. The map will over load at about 50-70 warthogs so yeah, when it's over loaded then no more will come. Do ti on easy, as there is less chance the marines will turn on you when the next hog comes. ********************* I found this like in 2008, so it's nothing new.
  11. I got the pic from T3A's facebook. And thats not his site.
  12. Rogue Modder


    EDIT: If he wanted his picture here, he would have posted it himself. <3 Fatal Error
  13. Or, open the ISO in winRAR and extract the files.
  14. Shut up.
  15. this is posted for slips responce, i posted the hole thing so you can infact get a feel for it.
  16. Rogue Modder


    I r haz slips permisionz: xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:58:12): ibotmodz? Dark SIipstream (22:58:21): sure xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:00): i went to dinner with my gf right Dark SIipstream (22:50:03): ok xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:10): i said she looked nice xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:12): she said xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:24): NICE, only NICE. I spent ages getting ready and im just looking "nice". What is it, my boobs are to small? Im to short? My hair isn't long enough? You can't talk, if you eat all the shit you do, before long you'll be all fat and ugly and i'll have to get a new boyfriend and your be lonly. xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:49): i was like wtf xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:50:59): then she stormed back to our room xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:51:08): i went of to the beach for a walk xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:51:11): when i get back Dark SIipstream (22:51:15): lol xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:51:39): all my stuff from our room was in a pile on the floor in the living room xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:51:51): i was like >_> Dark SIipstream (22:52:13): lol xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:52:23): so i watch some TV xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:52:28): like an hour later xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:52:36): she comes out of the room behind me xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:52:52): in the most amazinf underware i have ever seen xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:52:57): and wispers to me xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:53:22): "im sorry, want to hear the truth? come with me to bed" xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:53:26): so i go with her xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:53:39): i find out her grandfather has cancer xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:53:56): and then she just does "the thing" to me xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:54:01): and im just like Dark SIipstream (22:54:11): lol Dark SIipstream (22:54:22): i should get around to deleteing our chat logs soon Dark SIipstream (22:54:23): lol xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:54:24): i was like "score" xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:54:27): haha Dark SIipstream (22:54:31): this is like Dark SIipstream (22:54:34): text kiddie-porn xL NoMiCaL Lx (22:54:41): lmao
  17. Module ye Sub Main() Dim intRandomNumber As Integer = GenerateRandomInteger(1000, 9999) Dim strRandomString As String = GenerateRandomString(16) Console.WriteLine("Random Number:" & intRandomNumber.ToString()) Console.WriteLine("Random String:" & strRandomString) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Private Function GenerateRandomInteger(ByVal intMin As Integer, ByVal intMax As Integer) As Integer Dim randomNumber As Random = New Random Return randomNumber.Next(intMin, intMax) End Function Private Function GenerateRandomString(ByVal intLenghtOfString As Integer) As String Dim randomString As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder Dim randomNumber As Random = New Random Dim appendedChar As Char For i As Integer = 0 To intLenghtOfString appendedChar = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(26 * randomNumber.NextDouble()) + 65) randomString.Append(appendedChar) Next Return randomString.ToString() End Function End Module
  18. http://secure.xboxgamefiles.com/data/web/index.php?act=view&id=180 +rep
  19. +rep
  20. click poke. But seriously use your ****ing brain. People had to research RTH, code the apps. The ****ing least you could do is use that tiny brain you have. Jesus ****ing christ.
  21. I came to that conclusion from your actions alone.
  22. I always took you for a 8yr old kid with no balls. But now i just take you for a pedophile.
  23. I think it's a joke mate. haha If not, go here.
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