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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. I also want to move on.
  2. This guyz legit. He r haz Bart Simpson poster!
  3. I left it on my site. For my personal use and i was giving it to one other person. I forgot about it on the site.
  4. You know what i mean.
  5. Yes KD, Yes. I know what you tried on, it failed.
  6. Yes. A Mistake... Along with a accidental SDK and Halo 3 Hacked 1.0.xex leak...
  7. Yes. He gets them in-line, makes sure they understand rules and manners, grammer, spelling ect
  8. You need Yelo. And don't bump.
  9. @JIME: I see what you are talking about. In a way i just mean. I have stopped @GruntMods: Narr, he's a cool guy. But i was rude @ REDSTAR: I never said i stopped modding games, just Halo. you'll see me round. Alot.
  10. I never said i was leaving. I said i was quiting Halo Modding...
  11. lawlumad******s?
  12. When you edit your current Armour Perms, it saves then to the profile. That bullshit people say "It's Server Based Information". No, thats bullshit infact. When you save offline, then sign on it's saved, and Offline Profiles. You can edit the current saved perms of the account, but if you swap to Recon or Bungie Permatuations it won't show in the Mainmenu. Also the XeX checks the server if you have recon, if you don't then it won't show and will reset it to Mark 6. Offline it might work. Get Researching.
  13. Add to spamm filter. Why register for Modio? Hes a Robber, a crook. Not a stealer
  14. I haven't. But i know whats in there.
  15. Like the Armour Locks...
  16. This is ****ing stupid, this shit was found ages ago. WHy is is such a big deal? It's 3 fucking characters, you can only see on Halo 3 anyway. Jesus, do some real 360 profile research for Halo 3, there is more than you would believe.
  17. Nice Brian. Thanks
  18. Now do you see how your mum feels at your existance?
  19. So funny, i almost fell of my dinosaur.
  20. Copyright. ****ing nigger youtube pricks.
  21. I was just there for a week, Fucking hate the french.
  22. delete this. Seamed more funny at the time.
  23. lol.
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