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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. No wai! Didn't you see the controller? It looks sikkk. I'm gonna shell out $100 for this shit for sure.
  2. The under-age pics have been removed anyway.
  3. Too late, =D. There was some 15yr old on page 1, xD
  4. I got loads. EDIT: most are 14-15-16 tho.
  5. Well the Birth was in a Party on Xbox. Lockon: "I love this site, the question are so funny, we should have a section on iBotModz" And were were all like: "=D"
  6. But really. Me and Zala have alot of life experience we can help people out.
  7. Then me and Lockon should be mods of the section, due to our vast expanse of knowlage outside of the bedroom window and in the bed it's self.
  8. I remember i was in the video that halodude did back in the day =D. Im r0gue m0dd3r i think
  9. everyone -rep him nao!
  10. Yes, posting all that in the cbox was a retarded thing to do. Idiot.
  11. Dakote : (Today, 12:35 AM) haha, epic win for me there ixGAMEOVERxixx : (Today, 12:35 AM) ID AVE IM IN ME NE DAY 360 : (Today, 12:35 AM) your taking his side because he said nothing when i said you were poor amcboi95rofl : (Today, 12:34 AM) I don't think he looks gay. 360 : (Today, 12:34 AM) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ixGAMEOVERxixx : (Today, 12:34 AM) lostmodz26 : (Today, 12:34 AM) LOL ixGAMEOVERxixx : (Today, 12:34 AM) I think Dakote looks fit amcboi95rofl : (Today, 12:34 AM) Ya. lostmodz26 : (Today, 12:34 AM) dakote looks american amcboi95rofl : (Today, 12:34 AM) iPhone FTW. 360 : (Today, 12:33 AM) Dakote stfu you have no life and you are also gay looking in your pic http://photos-g.ak.f...8_6339301_n.jpg
  12. Rogue Modder

    Bleep Bloop

    Love it =D
  13. He Hooked me up!!! ye.
  14. I just modded a chevo in Hex, works fine.
  15. http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/172/deasktooop.png Windows 7 idea is ******* amazing bro!
  16. http://images.starcraftmazter.net/4chan/for_forums/cool_story_bro.jpg
  17. Way more that 1,000. Also this tool has been out for some time, it was only just posted here. More reasons why you are an idiot.
  18. You know her?!??!??!?! Hock me up Bro! So this post is allowed: http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/3083/1251074698676.jpg ~4Chan
  19. I think it got cut down a little because of the flaming.
  20. There from my life, so not that bad.
  21. owned.
  22. It's bad because people like you go to it.
  23. Skin/Style is horrible. and Myspace/Facebook for gamers? No thank, I prefer it with my real like friends. Most of 7sins don't have any so i guess it's good for them.
  24. That was the worst thing on the board. It was a good concept though.
  25. Like it, but no exception Catching just incase.
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