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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. I am married; Relationship Status: Married to Lauren Goodwin
  2. Rogue Modder


    I have undeniable proof the world cannot end in 2012. This item expires in 2014 http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs250.snc4/39831_114986788552226_100001227154374_95968_8038875_n.jpg
  3. It looks shit. Something Zelda for the n64 would have been made in. x.x
  4. It's also improper and some game engines don't like it. Infact, some hate it, and won't even compile anything with 2 sided models ;p It can also lower the FPS on games.
  5. 1) Bungie won't have a screen that small 2) Bungie won't have limewire... 3) Bungie won't have uTorrent... 4) Bungie won't have southpark 5) Bungie make maps in 3ds max and export them into sapien. This is a crappy Tilegame maker, not a SDK for a Game of the Year...
  6. ye he does. ;D
  7. Too bad Bungie use 3ds max then.
  8. He still hasn't loaded a crap load of values
  9. Well she would have, unless you went Josef Fritzl on her ass. ;p
  10. Matt, that pic of you and hannah is so cute ;p http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6826/dsc0169g.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/5319/dsc0170al.jpg http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/6987/dsc0172a.jpg http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/8703/dsc0173q.jpg http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/6896/dsc0174q.jpg http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/2874/dsc0175ia.jpg
  11. That's all you need? In the Material Editor, create a new Multi-Sub object then only have 1 material layer. Then on that one layer add each bitmap to each type (diffuse, bump, cc, (more if there are any)).
  12. http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/Reach/trailerimages/0728/Bnet_Logo.jpg 'The Battle Begins' - Halo: Reach Campaign Trailer
  13. I always was at my friends house and we played Halo on his xbox since like 2002. lul
  14. Then that bitmap type isn't mapped out correctly. Or i think maybe cc's are small. I can't remember.
  15. Shaders are groups of bitmaps. Extract each bitmap for each item and then add them appropriately in the Material Editor.
  16. Ah well, it shows that you're a devoted Halo fan. I have my Halo PC copy from 2005 so yeah
  17. Extract them with the same program. Just get them from bitm.
  18. Add me on AIM/MSN AIM: Caii Me Aiexx MSN: alexx.ily.reed@hotmail.com
  19. Meh, Minefield (made by mozilla, much more open source community based) > Firefox. Updates every night, can add your own code ect. Very good.
  20. shup. kai. Let me live my moment of glory.
  21. Not where they aren't wanted, but VAC helps allot there.
  22. yeah. You can say all you want about jester, he has never leaked or sold other peoples work and stayed true to his word.
  23. Why? Take other peoples hard work? Do it yourself, it takes time, but its worth it in the end.
  24. You always were good with words ;p And yeah Quinn. ye.
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