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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Im not sure who the member is or why the stupid name. I logged in today and noticed the 1000 members.
  2. Curtis

    Coke Or Pepsi

  3. Curtis

    Im sorry.

    Your a stupid prick. I told you i was kiddin. Sarcasim. Haha whatever know one is going to care about your thought.
  4. Haha it seems like alot of work up-keeping a forum site. You should get another Sub-Admin to help you.
  5. Curtis

    Coke Or Pepsi

    We should post the recipe.
  6. Curtis

    A Name

    xl Scattershot lx Dark.Ninja
  7. Curtis

    Im sorry.

    He is the new kid yes.
  8. Thank you for the post. As soon as i get my account back im going to download them.
  9. Stay active and post some content and maybe he'll give you VIP.
  10. Curtis

    A Name

    Hi everybody. I have a friend with a really queer name and we want to find him a new one. Its: SDG Sniper0016 and we need a new one. Any ideas? Some of the names can include: Scattershot, Dark, Fox, Cricket etc...
  11. Curtis


    Love it. I don't mind some rock... I can listen to alot of music but country and rap just don't cut it. I don't like some of the new like almost revolutionary music... It just sounds way too odd.
  12. Do you know where i can find i patch for HP games? My sisters like the games.
  13. How expensive is it? Could you please give me some more information?
  14. Oh wow... I think they are both great. Even though xbox live is like paying for your own service.
  15. Total members 1000 âââ¬Ã¢ Our newest member testtest Sorry for the wrong section post but i can't post in ibot news section. We seem to always grow even though the new members are not active. Maybe one day we can add up to half of the old site. Who else is happy?
  16. I think i looked into that once. Wrong section but thats fine. Don't be fooled by 19x faster. What they do is put a background program that runs and lowers the internet quality thus making it faster. I would look deeper if i was you.
  17. Thank you. I'm getting an iPod soon and im sure this will come in handy even though i know how to do most of this already.
  18. Curtis

    Wii Codes.

    Haha i just got the wii add too.
  19. Oh wow. Nice bump! Someone should close this topic. Its generating way too much posts.
  20. Right, I remember you. You should know where to post if you've been on the site before.
  21. Sounds great. And yeah the other style was garbage. The site just gets better
  22. I know your new but please post in the correct section. And were gonna need more info.
  23. i love you too! I'm not good but i try... well used too. I just like looking at them and judging them. Was i that bad?
  24. Haha sorry for the bump... But haha your funny.
  25. me like. When you getting the full version done?
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