He found a RS Generator! zMOG who doesn't have one. I had 12 accounts at one time. I'll give them free, if i can get some. Im tired of people trying to make money off members.
Add me, but im usually busy with my girlfriend on friday. And i only play halo 3. Accounts: DeathGrip x17x Omg iTz Curtis ez3ro KamikazyK1LL4 I think thats all.
Everyone is sooo helpful!!! Okay sounds like something that happened to me a while back. Try unplugging your router, then plugging it back in. What kind of router is it? If you can try and re-set it to factory default. If you have no such luck try plugging your chord directly into your Ethernet card and not through your router. I recommend Network Magic if you still have trouble. Download here. Good luck.