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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Curtis


    2nd one looks cold with the tone.
  2. Curtis

    KD is Kewl

    Work on the text mate. sharpened a bit too much in some places.
  3. Curtis


    I'm sorry Melo, i don't like this one. He looks like he's pasted in thur with mspaint. Where is Cesar13
  4. Curtis


    I think carrati was going for simple, he's pretty flippin good at gfx. You don't know him, do you?
  5. Curtis


    I see what you tried to do, it needs work tho.
  6. The boat looks like its floating in the air.
  7. nice egggs honey, i touched them with my mouse! Are you coming home tonight?
  8. IPB 3? Soon? Haven't heard that before lol. Seriously, you have no $%#^%# life if you ddos... go out and get a car and a girlfriend like omfg. Christ people need lives.
  9. Awwwe baby bot! Cute@!2
  10. Curtis

    Halo 4?

    Sorry that was pretty poor, you should of at least used a diffrent picture lol.
  11. Curtis

    OLd members

    Bumpzors, come back my friends.
  12. Curtis


    Rx-7= replace o rings every month, rotar engines are too much to keep running. Supra is by far the fastest car up there.
  13. The difference between you two is that he shows us the specs, and i trust him.
  14. Twams hosting rocks. Best prices and fast server.
  15. Good luck with your computer, windows blows.
  16. Not a fan of emos, but nice poem. Where you been bra, you pretty much made this site with your one topic.
  17. Not a fan of the dimensions, the whole sig looks like 1 focal point. Flow is kinda funky, text looks nice. Looks cool. Good job G.
  18. You don't need to warn people if your gone for a week or so... It's a forum site.
  19. I get to see these fools in concert, im so pumped!
  20. Fattwams hosst ftw, its actual hosting. Khaos' is hosting on his host. Khaos doesn't add ads, so i don't know how he makes money.
  21. Yay! More programing... <.<
  22. Curtis


    240z is only good for drifting really. What most people do is drop a 2.0 in them for bottom end. 94 is just $%#^%# expensive. 3000gt is awd,
  23. Curtis


    Already talked to peaches about turning purple. In about 2 months i think i'l be making the retirement, just not yet. Lax already did retire, did you see his topic?
  24. Curtis


    Welcome back Big4EWheeler. Sup G.
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