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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. I always go the day before vacation, its just chaos. I love it
  2. half day friday then 2 weeks =]
  3. i like them, the only thing that could be improved is the text. I love the font but the text it self doesnt look very good, I think somebody will know what i mean
  4. Sweeney


    haha yeah i know, but it doesnt have the problems the 360 does.
  5. Sweeney


    Stupid microsoft....everything they make is just a time bomb waiting to crap out on you ORIGINAL XBOX FTW!!!
  6. Go pro in something
  7. This tut will show you how to teleport outside of the map in Foundry. First: Create a sender node(teleport) and place it any where on the map. Second: Now fly up to the top right corner as shown in the pics. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4223-374.jpg Third: Once you are in the corner, create a receiver node(teleport) and let go of it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4223-375.jpg Forth: Now go through the teleport you first created and enjoy http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4223-376.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4223-377.jpg
  8. I want to see it, but i have a feeling it's going to suck...
  9. lol i was about to make one of those i like the first one
  10. Awesome, heres your 5 bucks back! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4080-398.jpg lol im a loser
  11. 10:55:09 PM fattwam: what time do you wake up 10:55:10 PM fattwam: ? 10:55:14 PM Sweeney: eat 10:55:22 PM fattwam: what ? 10:55:30 PM Sweeney: eat 10:55:33 PM Sweeney: get dressed 10:55:34 PM fattwam: ?? 10:55:41 PM fattwam: time ? 10:55:51 PM Sweeney: oh 10:55:52 PM Sweeney: time looooooool
  12. I liked it when it was on every page. Im too lazy to login
  13. And thats sexy just how?
  14. Sweeney

    mod disc?

    if it doesnt have mods on it do you need to hotswap?
  15. Oh sweetness Gears montages are intense
  16. oh oh oh good point
  17. Eh, Everyone wil be entertained for like a week then bungie will be like ''OMG WHERE ARE OUR PLAYERZ'' and i'll laugh. But its deffinetly a good idea, even though i was hoping for the giant metropolis one.
  18. Tiny hard to read but i like it, good colors. H3 or H2 montage?
  19. photoshop, and ok!
  20. We need a battle and well I pick you You pick the size size The only rule is....only brushes kinda stupid but looking for a render is boring and it takes more creativity You in?
  21. Looks pretty awesome [youtube:18zpbwmv]i1qNOm3ZV-8[/youtube:18zpbwmv]
  22. hahahahha, serious??
  23. hahaa there all assholes
  24. the worst thing that happens is that your 360 melts into a pile of gooey white plastic. But ya know if you feel lucky...
  25. Check the video of the week
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