Garbage, stop trying to be something your not. There are 3 ways to get past death barriers no problem. And its been confirmed that the pelicans outside the pit are real and you can stand on them. Love, Sweeney
Well halo 3 is starting to get boring for me. So im taking a break until the new maps come out. I might keep playing idk, its just not that much fun anymore..... if you wanna talk get me on aim --- Sweeeeeeeeeeney
I'd play with you but I dont have 3 for the 360.... But on the wii i have Raining blood and CoD left. And I have like 4 bonus songs left. I'll try to borrow it from a friend so we can rock out
looks good, my clips are all in mp4 because thats what they capture in. And get rid of the theater bars when you can. And heres my quality http ://
Ok, we have all been waiting for this. It's better than instant respawn. It's about equal to action replay halo 2 stuff, but hell its a start. Shade (I think), has released 2 modded forge maps. One on Sandtrap with 6 elephants. And another on highground, with bots. And wieldable objective objects. They dont want the download links getting out so ask me for them. Modz anyone? =] - Sweeney
Wooooooooooooooooo, I finally got a pc. I got XP home and a 160 gig hard drive. So hit me with any really important programs, im asking because i dont have any anti virus yet.;/fileinfo.html The editing wasnt amazing buut, I think I got the point across. And a littel advertisement