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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. Sweeney

    LaTEST :O

    looks great man. Keep it up regardless what people are saying.
  2. Sweeney


  3. yay i was right! Twam you want the .xbe patcher?? Its FREE, and i think full of viruses....
  4. Sweeney


    I feel a flame off coming on..... And im not going to accuse him of anything until i see some proof
  5. I think the safest thing you could do is unplug your ethernet and take off your hd. That way theres nothing on there
  6. 1) Ok, you cannot get un-banned by simply changing your ip. Awhile a ago bungie decided to start banning xboxs alltogther. 2) Supposedly you can still mod in MM but you need a .xbe patcher which is very hard to find. I have one but i dont know if it works. But if it does wok you still need to find a patch. Even with that I think it only gives you 1 minute apposed to 20 seconds. Or you can edit the .xbe which i know of a program that does that, but I have no expierence with it. 3) Now im not sure about this but if your xbox is banned which it sounds like it is you can put a clean eeprom on it. I think, maybe someone can confirm this. Better yet everything I just said. Hope that helped!!! Ive been looking for a way to mod in MM for awhile
  7. dude id love to help. Where should i start?
  8. whoah whoah whoah, did any of you guys see what it said in the information????!??! it was staged............. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3363-469.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3363-469.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3363-469.gif still a great find tho!
  9. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY its spam and im proud
  10. bubble shield.....too big, completely kills the speed of the game.
  11. Sweeney


    i know, its like buuuuh, chicka duh duh..dooo doo deee deeee
  12. and they deffinetly messed up with the social thing. All me and my friend do is take 1 account and 2 guests in and the person in the other team just loses it for the other team.
  13. i meant the horrible map pack, but dont worry about it twams got it covered. thanks anyway!
  14. [HIGHLIGHT=#ff0000]http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3225-486.gif WOOOOHOOOOOhttp://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3225-486.gif [/HIGHLIGHT]
  15. ok this is a long shot but, anybody out there have a legit modz iso?? ill love you forever!!! =]
  16. Guardian, I dont care what they say its deffinetly a Lockout remake. And it sucks, to dark, bad weapon placement. ugh....
  17. In your opinion, do you think Halo 3 better than H2? I think that the only major improvement is forge. It adds a whole new level of customization to the game. And the spartan laser is awesome.
  18. Im sure pretty much everyone has figured this out but when you place an object somewhere for instant respawn use these setting 1) hold it 2) press x twice 3) make the maximum and minimum run time one away from eachother. Now whenever the object moves an new one will respawn!! And a easy way to make them spawn in the air is a monitor holds one, he drops it with those settings ^^^ and somebody shoots it while its falling. It will then respawn mid air : O crappy tutorial wrote by sweeney!
  19. fifty-four
  20. bumpz i finally logged in!
  21. nice nicee, i love the font
  22. ok ill offer $23.61 because im good like that =D
  23. my buddy has an old xbox and he got a 360. and id like to have a spare one so how much should i offer? i was think 20ish but i dont know. were talking just the box no cables, so any ideas?? oh yeah I FIXED MY LIVE =D
  24. i like it! only idea is to toss a pikmin in their somewhere =]
  25. i dont know how to do it but im pretty sure i have a mod where you can drive one
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