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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. I really hope everything works out. And im sure she'll be fine
  2. gahhh peaches.....i was about to post that. And you cant get console banned because you cant get on live, atleast until someone makes a custom kernal, and that should take awhile. I re-uploaded to Youtube ----- [youtube:1x4nl1io]3wxXg6QQCvg[/youtube:1x4nl1io]
  3. yeah i know, waiting on 1.1.3 jailbreak too
  4. haha that blows I <3 my modded touch. Dont even have to update
  5. i just got one too, there great. And theres no overheat because its a third wave or whatever
  6. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/4989-158.png youtube comments, gotta love them
  7. sounds good, just hope we dont completely turn into se7in sins..... and id love to help if you need it
  8. well um...You obviously have some super powers hahaha
  9. Dear: [x] TOTALLY PRO PERSON [ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] 10 year old [ ] Pervert [ ] Nerd [ ] l337 d00d/"vet" [ ] Other: You Are Being Flamed Because [ ] You Posted a REALLY FOOKED UP thread [ ] You posted a Nudity thread (anime or normal). [ ] You whine like a **edit**. [ ] You bumped a thread from the last page. [ ] You started an off-topic thread. [x] YOU ARE SUPER AWESOME [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message . [ ] You don't know which forum to post in. [ ] You posted false information (or lack thereof). [ ] You posted something totally uninteresting. [ ] You doubleposted. [ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS (oR aLtErNaTe CaPs). [ ] You posted a X > Y thread. LAME. [ ] I don't like your tone of voice. To Repent, You Must: [ ] Give up your AOL Internet account [ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it [x] BAN ME IMMEDIATELY [ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor [ ] Actually post something relevant [ ] Be my love slave [ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum [ ] Go stand in the middle of an intersection In Closing, I'd Like to Say: [ ] Get a life [ ] Never post again [ ] I pity your dog [ ] I think your IQ must be 6 [ ] Take your crap somewhere else [ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment [x] YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER THEN ME , HERE IS A COOKIE [ ] Go play Dress-Up Barbie Onlineâââ¬Å¾Ã¢ [ ] All of the above
  10. this isnt to encourage, but it is funny Dear: [ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] 10 year old [ ] Pervert [ ] Nerd [ ] l337 d00d/"vet" [ ] Other: You Are Being Flamed Because [ ] You Posted a REALLY FOOKED UP thread [ ] You posted a Nudity thread (anime or normal). [ ] You whine like a **edit**. [ ] You bumped a thread from the last page. [ ] You started an off-topic thread. [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message . [ ] You don't know which forum to post in. [ ] You posted false information (or lack thereof). [ ] You posted something totally uninteresting. [ ] You doubleposted. [ ] You posted a message all written in CAPS (oR aLtErNaTe CaPs). [ ] You posted a X > Y thread. LAME. [ ] I don't like your tone of voice. To Repent, You Must: [ ] Give up your AOL Internet account [ ] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it [ ] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor [ ] Actually post something relevant [ ] Be my love slave [ ] Apologize to everybody on this forum [ ] Go stand in the middle of an intersection In Closing, I'd Like to Say: [ ] Get a life [ ] Never post again [ ] I pity your dog [ ] I think your IQ must be 6 [ ] Take your crap somewhere else [ ] Do us all a favor and jump into some industrial equipment [ ] Go play Dress-Up Barbie Onlineâââ¬Å¾Ã¢ [ ] All of the above
  11. haha i was thinking that its probobly a virus
  12. Looks awesome, and I MIGHT GET A 360 WOOOOO
  13. congrats man, ill be sure to add you. im air sweeney
  14. You need the silver one, so buy that and make sure it has the pinnalce software in it. and follow this video to set it up, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugX2Sgj7108 just disregard all of the mac stuff
  15. Yay i got my capture card!! woot for me =]
  16. I think that that really sums up what modding should really be about.
  17. you can send a file that big over msn but it will take a couple days... Me and fattwam were trying to do the same thing
  18. LMAO, thats pretty bad when you need a tutorial to do this. I figured it out and i dont even have windows.....
  19. looked awesome, well worth waiting 15 minutes to download with my shitty connection.
  20. Sweeney

    mlg bar

    lil poison is trash, my friends beat him 1v1 and no this isnt a stupid flame, he really isnt that great
  21. damn have a good time! looks like fun
  22. 2 friends 865 points hahaa
  23. Sweeney

    I win!

    Oh i got a winzy to, http://winzy.com/sweeney
  24. Sweeney

    End War

    Looks great, cant wait to see some more from you damn, legacy looks important in his orange
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