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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. Sweeney


    haha i had no idea NaNaNNaNaaNNa was a color!!!
  2. Sweeney


    haha its because i broke mah toothy
  3. *update* 760 friends
  4. Sweeney


    hahaah was it bad? the canaling? haha funny word
  5. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/per ... oposal.htm wow, just wow.
  6. Sweeney


    they tryed to act like it was no big deal too. i asked them what the deal wa and they said "oh its no big deal" sure...even though ive pretty much gotten over it i dont like the idea of some one drilling onto my face...
  7. Sweeney


    i have to get a fuxing root canal shoot me
  8. 28 and noodle the quote in your sig is hilarious
  9. haha i love the super man one, keep it up!!!
  10. Sweeney

    My MSN

    i fixed it
  11. Sweeney

    My MSN

    my msn crapped out on me so ill either make a new account or just add my aim its the same thing
  12. myspace.com/ibotmodzz everyone add it, i can get around 40 friends a day but add it anyway. And if anyone wants to help ill pm you the passwords and such p.s. (2 z's because /ibotmodz was taken
  13. some games accept high scores but there is no high score so you can just keep going and going
  14. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2498-652.png o0o00o00o and that was in like 5 minutes
  15. haha thats awesome
  16. [cough]microsoft completely copied osx because they suck [/cough]
  17. yeah i thought if that too but i doubt it will work
  18. if its legit im in
  19. Sweeney

    [][] Forge [][]

    sweeney didnt make this I took about 2 hpurs just playing with the idea and this is what i got. If I make any more progress I'll update the topic. The Forge spawns at the Rocket Launchers normal place http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2173-704.jpg R trigger spawns boxes L trigger moves them http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2173-705.jpg download thanks to modyou--- http://files.filefront.com/forgerar/;88 ... einfo.html ({[make sure to rename it burial mounds]})
  21. ggood job man, the only thing id change is the trick text. is make ittrick other than that 9/10
  22. 1&3 are crazy! whatd you do to the second one?
  23. Sweeney


    looks sweet
  24. Sweeney

    =D =D =D =D

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1949-736.jpg its simple but i really worked on getting a shine from the guy on his body so im pretty proud of that
  25. 1&2 i think the smudge isnt needed andd you coulda done more with 3. but 1&2 are good
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