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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. Everyone start doing new stuff with the mods!! Clones and turrets are getting old..
  2. iPod touch is awesome. Modded iPod Touch is better than anything. Does a Zune have a touch screen piano? A guitar? I didn't think so.
  3. It's better the car got messed up than you.
  4. great painting. Tell her Sweeney approves. And make the gallery.
  5. I went to Niagra Falls after Christmas. Pretty fun trip.
  6. 1,000 hours = 41.6666667 days, 5.952381 weeks, and 1.4880952 months. Must have been a good game!
  7. Ah, ok I get it. Well hopefully skinning is still possible in H3 modding. We can finally leave our marks on the maps.
  8. Why? I dont get it.
  9. Wow, in my opinion these are the worst yet. The water is baaad.
  10. Would you like me to record some?
  11. I only saw running fast. What else did they do?
  12. I think we had something like this.
  13. Damn your good at these! Hahaha I love the pic you used.
  14. And once again Microsoft makes something simple, well.... I dont even know. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15801-2.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/15801-3.jpg And this isn't a joke..... Just look - http://research.microsoft.com/mlp/apg/D ... ate_Skills
  15. BOB!!!!!!!
  16. Lost was like a Tootsie Pop. You kept getting closer to the good stuff, but it just never came.... So Jericho for me.
  17. Sweeney

    Halo 3 Resigner

    Lol Peach with the triple post. And everyone chill, we'll be modding soon enough.
  18. why not. Eastern, soo, um idk. Im in connecticut
  19. AT&T. There the best where I live.
  20. I think bungie is going to do everything they can to stop us this time. They definitely don't want all of us making them look bad again.
  21. Hahahahaha. And this mod is just too laggy for me.
  22. Feel free to leave comments! And I don't care if i made a grammatical mistake John woke up on the 15th of July, his birthday. His light brown hair was a complete mess, and it was still dark at his little house in Venice. It has been 5 years sine his father disappeared. And today like many of his other birthdays, it would be merely him and his mother Linda. As he rolls out of bed he begins to wonder about his father. This wasn't the first time he thought about him, nor would it be the last. But something about today was different. He hardly knew him because he was always out of the house. And his mother couldn't bring herself to talk about him. He got dressed, washed up, and headed downstairs. As he stumbled down the stairs he realized that his mom had made him an amazing birthday breakfast. * * * âââ¬ÃâHappy birthday Mr. Big 15 year old!!âââ¬Ã Linda said with a smile. âââ¬ÃâHa, thanks momâââ¬Ã responded John. âââ¬ÃâUncle Leroy said he was going to stop by laterâââ¬Ã said Linda. âââ¬ÃâWhy? Heâââ‰â¢s never come to see me on my birthday before.âââ¬Ã Said John. âââ¬ÃâWell as Iâââ‰â¢m sure you know, heâââ‰â¢s the leader of an infamous group of thieves.âââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ¬ÃâYeah, but what does that have to do with me?âââ¬Ã Asked John âââ¬ÃâEvery five years a new leader is selected for the group. And it would be your fathers turn, but he.... Well you know... So with him gone, your next in line.âââ¬Ã said Linda. âââ¬ÃâNo I donâââ‰â¢t want to! Iâââ‰â¢m going to make something of my life and show that iâââ‰â¢m not like dadâââ‰â¢s side of the family!âââ¬Ã John said aggravated. âââ¬ÃâWell weâââ‰â¢ll see what your uncle thinks about that.âââ¬Ã * * * âââ¬ÃâAhhhhhâââ¬ÃÂ, John moaned as he walked back upstairs. âââ¬ÃâItâââ‰â¢s not fair, I really think I can become a successful person. Iâââ‰â¢m going to sail away to America one day and start a new life. Just because my mom married into a bunch of thieves doesnâââ‰â¢t mean that I have to turn into a criminal like them. Oh well, Im just going to take a nap until uncle Leroy gets here.âââ‰â¢Ã¢ââ¬Ã * * * âââ¬ÃâJoooohhnn!!! Wake up! Leroyâââ‰â¢s hereâââ¬Ã yelled his mom. âââ¬ÃâUhhhhh....âââ‰â¢Ã¢ââ‰â¢ John mumbles as he rolls out of bed for the second time today. âââ¬ÃâI donâââ‰â¢Ã¢ââ‰â¢t understand why I have to do this, nothing good is going to come of it.âââ¬Ã John says as he hobbles down the stairs. âââ¬ÃâHey how are ya?!?âââ¬Ã Leroy asked in his unique voice. âââ¬ÃâEh, been better.âââ¬Ã said John. âââ¬ÃâWell arenâââ‰â¢t you just full of spunk.âââ‰â¢Ã¢ââ¬ÃÂcommented Leroy. âââ¬ÃâI tryâââ¬Ã Said John. âââ¬ÃâAs you know, Im the leader of a very large group of thievesâââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ¬ÃâAnd your the most important person because you decide which bank to rob and who gets hurt.âââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ¬ÃâSo why are you here? You haven't talked to me since my dad disappeared.âââ¬Ã John said sternly. âââ¬ÃâThat's partly why Im here, you see every 5 years....âââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ¬ÃâBlah, blah, blah, I know what your going to say.âââ¬Ã Said John even more annoyed. âââ¬ÃâGood, then you already know you donâââ‰â¢t have a choice. By the way, your present is on the table. Iâââ‰â¢ll see you tomorrow.âââ¬Ã John walks over to the horribly wrapped present and opens it. A black ski mask, and a pair of black gloves. * * * âââ¬ÃâJohn get up!!! Itâââ‰â¢s time to go see your uncle.âââ¬Ã yelled his mom up the stairs. Gaaahhhh, I don't want to!âââ¬Ã yelled John. âââ¬ÃâJust try it and weâââ‰â¢ll talk about it at the end of the day.âââ¬Ã Said his mom in that motherly tone. âââ¬ÃâFine.âââ¬Ã Said John. * * * After an awkward car ride, John found himself in front of a large abandoned warehouse. He walked through the rickety old doors to a very large room. âââ¬ÃâHey!!! Look itâââ‰â¢s the new kid John. Are you ready for your fist big robbery??âââ¬Ã asked Leroy. âââ¬ÃâNope....âââ¬Ã said John. âââ¬ÃâGreat! I assume you brought my present?âââ¬Ã Asked Leroy. âââ¬ÃâYeahâââ¬Ã said John. âââ¬ÃâGood lets get moving!!âââ¬Ã said Leroy. * * * âââ¬ÃâOk, so here is the plan, I keep everyone still with the gunâââ¬Ã Started Leroy. âââ¬ÃâAnd I come in and take all the money?âââ¬Ã Asked john. âââ¬ÃâEx-actamundo!!âââ¬Ã said Leroy. âââ¬ÃâDo me a favor?âââ¬Ã asked John. âââ¬ÃâWhat?âââ¬Ã Asked Leroy. âââ¬ÃâNever ever say that again.âââ¬Ã said John. * * * Leroy storms into the bank, gun in hand. âââ¬ÃâEVERYONE DOWN!!!âââ¬Ã He screams. Then John stumbles in behind him, ashamed to be there. But before he gets to the register, he notices and familiar face. âââ¬ÃâD..D...Dad??âââ¬Ã John stammers. âââ¬ÃâJohn!! Quick come with me.âââ¬Ã Johnâââ‰â¢s dad said. They quickly rushed out the backdoor of the bank into the dark gross alley. âââ¬ÃâDad where have you been? I have so many questions.âââ¬Ã said John. âââ¬ÃâDonâââ‰â¢t worry son there will be plenty of time on the boat.âââ¬Ã said Johns father âââ¬ÃâThe boat?âââ¬Ã John said with a smile. I thought it was ok, i've written better.
  23. Sweeney


    I'm in.
  24. Partition your HD Format the partition Install your OS I think thats pretty much it, but I could be wrong.
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