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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. real poutine is in canada
  2. i know every Canadian has
  3. lol they got the name back to the norm now
  4. its suppose to be LegacySmells so someone changed it because my old name was Xx Legacy xX not xX Legacy Xx we haft to investigate, and another mod can confirm that it wasnt me that changed my own name. but i dont want to check because i want to have fun hmmm who was it
  5. You have done so much for ibotmodz over the years. I cant believe how much you have helped out bud. You were one of the starters of the gfx section, you have so many ideas in that head. You want the same thing as i do not just a *information* site where leeachers come in and are not active. From your countless topics like "the ibotmodz year book" an more. you have helped ibotmodz so much. and you need to be recognize. Ur awesome man and i am glad ur staying. -Legacy
  6. hows ur mustang still working bud? xD
  7. get ready. Legacy has his tin foil hat ready and his safety glasses. u should do the same lol http://i.gizmodo.com/5149220/beware-unix-t...friday-the-13th oooooo be scared -Legacy
  8. yayyy happy birthday
  9. exams are done, school starting again. My aunts FINALLY out of hospital, she had surgery and she hast to have a respirator at night for the rest of her life. But she is living. But my brother just got rushed to the Edmonton national hospital by helicopter =/ he cut his main artery in his leg i think, my sister doesn't know much either he has been in surgery since 4 oclcok in the morning. It was a cooking accident so whats everyone been up to. Sorry i haven't been on. -Brandon
  10. verry nice what part of ontario, i am from kingston, ON
  11. third
  12. Xx Legacy xX


    baddass movie i saw it a couple moths ago.
  13. mine was earlier than venoms rawr
  14. happy 17, u getting ur drivers license?
  15. probably the best commercials known to man kind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1RrncVgLFY...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWDXE9Pbjic...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHg84xywVWU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Q6to4VWjE&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=612Hw9OByho
  16. hey dark, i feel for you. my aunt is in the hospital right now, nly the mods new this until now. But she could die, if she does live she will haft to carry around a air tank for the rest of her life.
  17. i dont know who the new members are. Introduce your self to me i am Brandon i am from canada. I am not active on ibotmodz atm but hopefully that will change i am trying to become active again. I was one of the first members on ibotmodz but i didnt really become active until 3 months after ibotmodz was up. i am a laid back person its hard to get on my bad side. ESPECIALLY on the internet. I hate halo, uhh yeah. lol -Legacy aka Branard (that would suck as a name)
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLX4yfi3gwE going to see it tonight
  19. will everyone knows i have the best boobies. no question there even though laxs boobies are pretty hot BUT THERE FAKE. mine are reel
  20. so did i miss anything. If any of u have me on xbox llive sorry i havnt been on in like 2 months i am watching lost tonight.
  21. common does anyone like this idea? what about peachy please consider it. -Legacy
  22. What kind a marker do you have if u have one?
  23. OMG THAT POST IS FROM 911 PM o.O creeepy 911 shows up everywhere
  24. funny ass show watch some episodes on youtube. THERE FROM CANADA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpRthRsWkXo heres a 2 min segment of one episode, see if you like the show. Not all episodes are that gross (if you thinks that's gross )
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