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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. i am going to cold lake very soon
  2. one of these i already did
  3. lmao i am gonna vote for urs thats awesome ahahahah i love it
  4. these are my suggestions, some are a little ifffy and u may not wanna do them. form h2 modding tuts, and h2 glitching together. maybe form the media section, with video editting. and form website construction, with tech coding form pc hardware, and programs and i cant believe i am saying this form together gfx general, with gfx help and maybe form the battle section with the showoff section
  5. the flaming is getting dumb. i banned a person a couple times (he kept on making new accounts) and i had to get fattwam to ip ban him ts getting old. We should have a msg ontop of the shout box "NO FLAMING, YOU WILL BE BANNED WITH NO WARNING" i dont mind swearing, really i dont mind anything its just when people flame. We should put a stop to it its taking away from our site i am gonna ban more people on the shout box for flaming, i am not usually the person who bans but flaming is stupid. i usually warn but thats not getting the point across -legacy
  6. lol my last period calss is so boring!!! this passes my time 70 mins WOOT CIVICS AND CAREERS SUXX
  7. thank you all who commented
  8. i was seeing if youtubes how popular is you video wasnt bs. Btw its bs.
  9. i found my self play gears 1 so much i loved the game when i fix my xbox i am playing again
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7CL01u9nk8 can like 5 people comment on this video i am trying to see something, i just removed all my videos except for this on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7CL01u9nk8 thx , rate it 5 stars if u want
  11. http://www.strongholdpaintball.ca/catalog/images/pmr.jpg thats my marker, i love paintballing -legacy
  12. they also have some tutorials its awesome subscribe to it, they have a mix between gears 1 and 2 gears 1 is better than trash 2 http://www.youtube.com/user/gearsopedia
  13. -thanks- do u wanna join my battle? -Legacy
  14. http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Untitled-3-1.png b rai is my name on a paintballing site this is the battle i am submitting this sig to http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11102 its a simple siggy
  15. is anyone joining i finished mine? http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Untitled-3-1.png
  16. i havnt made a siggy in awhile, and i need a paintball siggy for the paintball forum i am on ---rules--- - it hast to have something to do with paintballing - must be yours - dont make it to big (you can be the judge of that) - have fun - be creative - yes i am thinking of random rules so this can look professional ---due date--- whenever we get joiners. probably monday have fun
  17. i remember black had a pole dancing avatar ahahah.
  18. these are my suggestions, some are a little ifffy and u may not wanna do them. form h2 modding tuts, and h2 glitching together. maybe form the media section, with video editting. and form website construction, with tech coding form pc hardware, and programs and i cant believe i am saying this form together gfx general, with gfx help and maybe form the battle section with the showoff section hope this helpes, because i think the sports section will be mroe active than something like the wii section ahaha
  19. i remember that lmao and the halo forum mods yayee good times ahahha
  20. sorry if i dbl posted the topic great minds think alike thats why i wuv u
  21. k i am gonna start by saying we need a new joiners forum. I see so many members online that dont post, give them a section to post in. they will become more active if they see so many people welcoming them to ibotmodz. they will be like "omg nice ass site ftw". and do you guys think we should remove a couple inactive sections? just a though. and maybe we can add a sports section for hockey, soccer, lacrosse, paintballing, football, etc -legaceri
  22. you know who you are, members from December 06 and before. my history on ibotmodz. i joined within the first month of ibotmodz being out. i forget my accounts name i was leeacher xD it was the day before Halloween then i wanted a new name so i created a new account in December "ass", i got banned for 2 days for the name ahahah. i nused it for 2 weeks so than i went and made a new new new account Xx Legacy xX january 6th? i think, and peaches said thats ur account to stay because 3 accounts had the same ip ahahah post ur story.
  23. yaii some other people love these commercials
  24. i knew all of them. and secret drummer made his own site, and it didnt go good. and he made another one the same thing happened, so he is not reallly foruming anymore
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