Lmao when i went to the doctor today for my blood tests this person coughed when i was waiting in the lobby. And i just imagined everyone turning there slowly towards them and then repeatedly saying SWINE FLU...SWINE FLUUUU swine flu is bs.
lmao hey kraft dinner do you play gow 1 ??? becuz i would play wit u mofo. ---------------- Translation- Hey Korupt Data do you play the video game Gears Of War 1 for the Xbox 360 gaming system. Because i would have sex with you if you did.
lmao it was a fun game AND I GOT MAH DESKTOP WORKING AGAIN and i got my dazzle working......= montage. i am at school. lmao in one match i got 2 very cool clips. The first one i picked up the sniper and with the 11th bullet i no scoped a crab walker then like 10 seconds later i barrel stomped someone shotgunning me. The second one i was shotgunning and i spider manned some guy from like 15 feet away when he was running away, then shot another guy in the head immediacy after then downed the 3rd guy.
if i organized a gow 1 tourney who would play. I need to know how many people will so maybe we can have one like mid to late may. And maybe there can be some kind of prize. Cause if we cant get alot of people i guess we could do a 2v2 tourney but 4v4 or 3v3 is funner. so just reply if you think you can join. say your skill level also.
MELO Just look at me now ima fake. i am addicted the song I'm a fake by the used lol ive been listening to it over and over again for the past 2 days :/ its the only song on my ipod because i reformatted it to get linux off.
no its just how the elmo thing was doing the dance and then just blew up. I dont usually find these things funny but the timing of the explosion was perfect
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