dude u live in alberta or sask? i am in alberta right now if u live anywwhere close to calgary, edmonton or cold lake tell we are chillin i am down here for a visit till like sunday then i am going back to edmonton which is a 3 hour drive, then getting a plane to calgary then going back to ottawa then a 2 hour drive. but if i haft to visit u in calgary it hast to be quick lmao cuz i am there for like 5 mins (i haft to fuccking run to my flight) this keyboard sucks ****. the keys get stuck
**** i got infected, it totally chris browned my cb port with ghz dll info on it. I haft to reinstall windows and take my cb port and flash it and get the firmware back on to it WTF. Even worse it took my codelolshhh.fo file from my erthetil port peach, fatty, slippers give me advice on this my computer just got 2 girls 1 cupped. You guys need to protect your computer if i got infected you will too. i am using my school cp. . ty
**** i got infected, it totally chris browned my cb port with ghz dll info on it. I haft to reinstall windows and take my cb port and flash it and get the firmware back on to it WTF. Even worse it took my codelolshhh.fo file from my erthetil port peach, fatty, slippers give me advice on this my computer just got 2 girls 1 cupped. You guys need to protect your computer if i got infected you will too. i am using my school cp. . ty
hey i may have a friend that wants it. he is amking a forum. he may ask you to liek put his anme at teh bottom w/ his site. i will get back to you and see if he likes it. I think he will but i am not sure.
my school only has *naughty stuff* and pr0xiis blocked. But my school has word filters so if u type in something like P0RN (spelt rite) it will block the page. i am at school atm. i also cant type in pr0xiiess lol.