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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. lmao just remember to make a new account when your asking for it.
  2. checking in, last time for awhile it wasnt me, i am not telling it was. And its not MeLo so stop blaming him.
  3. dropping by like a said i would, but just to btw you guys deathgrip did not do the banning i know who did it. and i am not telling who did it because it will make you all pissed at him.
  4. Xx Legacy xX


    bye byee, i dont need to type a going speach its bassicly, the stupid are over ruling the cool people and i am joining i media and stayting i will drop bye, and thats all bye -Legacy
  5. dont worry that happens often,
  6. giving up xboxing, i would if it were not for gears of war its such a good game so whatever, and i am going to a mlg tourney in Toronto. but good luck, think about getting macromedia studios its useful,
  7. http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/ (lol its a 1337 speak) http://www.googoth.com/ (GOTHIC) http://www.google.com/bsd (BSD) http://www.google.com/intl/xx-elmer/ (elmer fudd) http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/ (pig latin) http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=th...earch&meta= (we = 42) post all the ones you find! -Legacy
  8. yess thank you we want alot of new modders for halo 2 some people that we can teach and will be fresh to site and will be into halo 2 modding for a month
  9. I would tap MeLo xD
  10. we need more cool people, and all these newbs are making some of the cool ones leave so i am trying to brng in some other people, WE NEED MORE SWEENEYSSS -Legacy
  11. http://ibotmods.piczo.com/ (ibotmodz was teken so i used ibotmods) Please just click that link and if you have a piczo account send me a friend request! And if you want to help even more go create a piczo account and a site for ibotmodz. I can help you with it also (even though its easy) i am updating this site so dont worry if it looks like s*** right now, suggestions would be nice -Legashei
  12. Hot ness, may i see what you started from also (stock, render or whatever) lol i think melo is gonna do more than wear it xD
  13. MeLo has boobies, because melo is a chick right melo?
  14. everyone knows i am gonna win, i know so much about halo xD, i have read the back of one of the books. i am so ready for this s***.
  15. i would say yes, but ima gonna give it a bit so you can come super active mk?
  16. Lost, Jerico, Friends, Family Guy, American Dad, Criminal Minds uhh those are pretty much what would i watch but i dont watch tv that much,
  17. but we still <3 caratti (i get the feeling i am miss using my mod privileges) lol look at my new work wow its prooooo xD -Legacy
  18. hahahah i agree with everyone of those comments xD i am HORRRIBBBLLLLEEE lol
  19. btw, this was a test for my new brushes and some effects, And i tried a different way of rendering. I think the bacl and white one looks the hawtest -Legacy edit, oh yeah the images http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Bitchinmofosmahnewsiggyuhh.png http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t300/photo_man_photos/Bitchinmofosmahnewsiggy.png
  20. dont worry he is really good and i have 48 hr trial, who something else xD if anyone is a no show the battle is a no show, there is no battle and i am pretty sure preppy wont show k a couplenpeople are no shows, melo (maybe,) preppy is a a no show and i think another one maybe another day. i willl close this until dufferent day hhahaaa how do ickoslk thsi> i dotnm know
  21. nope wtfpeach is your new partner and melo will be on georges team i will find someone or be a loner dont worry it works out
  22. you may haft to join cause i dont think general or preppy will show. I sent them a friend request and they havnt respnded
  23. ummm they win idk i never really though about it i will think of something
  24. YAY i will add at. ! i am gonna practice with melo!
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