yeah true... maybe give it a week? Canada just won the World Junior Cup for hockey if anyone cares. We can talk about what sports we play, whats the best sport.... etc
weed (sister ahah) New paintball mask (needed a new one) (brother) kickass pocket watch, (other sister) 100 $ (mom) and some stocking s*** i may get more stuff from my grand parents idk, my paps loaded xD i didnt even want a gift... i didnt even want anything... i am not a spoiled brat. i dont need s***. what i gave. necklace (mom) toronto maple leafs lava lamp with lights (dad) A metal beer sign which rocks (bro) a fancy ass picture fram with a candal/ shampoo package (sister) we did secret santa cause i have alot of bros and sis's so that i had to by for.
haha sorry i havnt been on, no effence life is more important the a web site but i still like dropping by. so whats happen since ive been gone, and hows everybody been doin' oh question for all u, Should i move to Toronto for school. OR MAH DREAM CALIFORNIA. haha i think the toronto one is more likely but the thing i wanted to do for like 4 years now i dont rly want to do anymore xD o well i am young i can decide i just kinda rambled randomly haha who has gears 2 i am usually on for a bit at night ? Peachy do you have gow 2 ANARCHY YOU DIDNT CALL ME BACK WHEN WE HAS SEXAI TIME. Well nor did melo or laxitives or did peachy for that matter or did i not call him...... o.O ahaha i am sooooooooo bored -legacy