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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. try signing out and signing back into iBotModz cuz its says ur VIP
  2. Xx Legacy xX

    samus sig

    let him post all of his stuff we need to get gfx active here and subs your sigs are a little flat try making them have more depth -Legacy
  3. maybe can we make avy's 150 by 150 ? because you cant really make anything with 90 by 90 -Legacy
  4. good luck lol where are you from because i think your from Canada cause i thought the US called it finals -Legacy
  5. btw i am back
  6. i dunno but its gonna be 12 o clock in 10 mins
  7. just heading off to my last exam, its science lol wish me luck see ya in a couple hours -Legacy
  8. oh lol i will change topic title thanks and bungie will love us we can drink tea together -Legacy
  10. well xbox edge is dead, they closed down i think we need more aflites like maybe tech gfx but consider butting a aflites link right by arcade if we do get more -Legacy
  11. Closed doing a bit more researching, its bassicly confirmed that you ripped though -Legacy
  12. Well i dont have any proof the others are ripped. Which i did say its just i have never seen first work that good maybe you are just naturally good but do you have any proof that you didnt rip the other did you save the PSD's? because if you have any proof i would believe you made them, they are great great sigs -Legacy
  13. Great pen tool but i wish there was stil some stuff added to it but it looks good Btw: it could use some blending so he doesn't look so chopped off
  14. hahahahah http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p285 ... /Halo3.jpg thats great, i actually had a chuckle from it that one was a great find -Legacy
  15. the voting had already happend in a different topic. Closed BTW it was creative -Legacy
  16. i am sorry i am having trouble thinking those are your first especially on how i have proof that the last sig one you ripped did you happen to save the psd's though? if you did i would believe you for the others but probably not though, cause i noticed you have all your files saved in a different format (which is weird) i personally dont think you made any of them. But i only have proof for the last one I am giving you a warning, please come clean for the others. And if i found out you did rip the others before you come clean you will be getting a ban -Legacy
  17. thats awesome lol i i dont have any pictures of me either only those 2 from earlier -Legacy
  18. Holy crap thats awesome!! i may take a video of it later would you bay able to upload to your youtube account peach? cause it wont get that many views on mine (dling it right now) -Legacy
  19. Nooo have fun though, i may be leaving for 1 month -Legacy
  20. lol he is exactly like my cousin look at his face when he is singing these are a few of his songs http://youtube.com/watch?v=3IFUNIa2NU8&feature=related http://youtube.com/watch?v=bQIH3iq1xVw&feature=related http://youtube.com/watch?v=ARAwp-lvI6c http://youtube.com/watch?v=qNCSfCj7loU&feature=related
  21. Nice find, i personally hate the ds though n64 FTW and i wish they had released it but it was different -Legacy
  22. well i will hate all they halo newbs coming to gears of war 2, they are all just gonna lancer and be cheep which i hate that i like skill
  23. Can everyone see IP's? or just the mods and i love the rep thing i like the vip rep idea so you haft to auchully post useful stuff -Legacy
  24. umm i forget if they removed it but search remote chainsaw glitch up on youtube its easy -Legacy
  25. omg he is back lol your 3000 posts are gone lol but he is back amzing work like always and you should have not of stopped -Legacy
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