Hi, guys just want to show off what i have been working on for the past couple of weeks. Its a AIO made up of all different tools. Some out now, some i am working on and will be out in the next update. Currently has: 360-Xplorer Avatar/Gamercard viewer Halo 3 film tool Working on: Avatar color editor Secret Secret Secret Everything is usable until the next update where i will have all the new tools and then a working log in system for X360Toolz that will share passwords and usernames with the tool. Reporting bugs has been disabled until the actual app comes out of beta stages because there is no bugs, just things i will be releasing in the newest update. This thread will be edited each time a update is out. 360Toolz.exe
Now you calling him a peado. Free is not better, free is crap. I hate .webs, it just makes it look unprofessional and stupid. Please buy a site before i even begin to think about letting you fix my xbox even though it aint broke. Hey ill host you!!
Why? You should get a proper site, that is not run down with ads, as it looks more professional. Az as a admin at BS, noes a hell of a lot more things about the 360 then you. And well i would rather use a Youtube fix knowing my xbox is in safe hands, then it being with a little kid.
[14:18] xbox360smartrepairs: hi? [14:18] manufan4life1993: Hi [14:18] xbox360smartrepairs: do you have a broken 360? or know some1 who was [14:19] manufan4life1993: Nope sorry [14:19] xbox360smartrepairs: oh ok [14:19] manufan4life1993: My 360 is working fine [14:19] manufan4life1993: If you want i can brake it? [14:19] xbox360smartrepairs: lol [14:19] manufan4life1993: lol [14:19] manufan4life1993: Do you have a website? [14:20] xbox360smartrepairs: yeah xbox360smartrepairs.webs.com (still working on it) [14:20] manufan4life1993: lol cool [14:20] xbox360smartrepairs: thx [14:20] manufan4life1993: How many xbox's have you fixed? [14:21] xbox360smartrepairs: several, lol right now i have 7 360 im fixing [14:21] manufan4life1993: lol [14:22] manufan4life1993: Is it easy? [14:22] xbox360smartrepairs: for me at any rate [14:22] manufan4life1993: I no you have to x-clamp it or something [14:22] xbox360smartrepairs: no [14:23] manufan4life1993: o [14:23] xbox360smartrepairs: xclamp fix is the worst fix [14:23] manufan4life1993: o [14:23] manufan4life1993: idk i am still in warranty [14:23] manufan4life1993: With my brand new XNA 2009 Dev-kit. [14:23] xbox360smartrepairs: its doenst last long, and casues major flexing (bending) [14:24] manufan4life1993: idk [14:25] manufan4life1993: So how ya doing Halo 3? [14:25] xbox360smartrepairs: i do the xclamp hybrid advanced fix which lasts longer, prevents flexing, applies even pressure, has better results, and fixes many of the 360s problem [14:25] xbox360smartrepairs: s [14:26] manufan4life1993: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/17255_xbox_360_smart_repairs/page__pid__111535#entry111535 [14:26] xbox360smartrepairs: i also do relfows with a custom bga rework station and i use flux and thats the best reflow [14:26] manufan4life1993: Well i am happy with my Dev-kit, how did you find me? [14:27] xbox360smartrepairs: se7 i think [14:27] manufan4life1993: O [14:27] manufan4life1993: Lol [14:27] xbox360smartrepairs: and az is the biggest idiot out there [14:27] manufan4life1993: K [14:27] manufan4life1993: Cool
Its legit. I have downloaded it and it works. I also watched as Steven made it. I have to agree. I think you should make it less like modio and horizon and make it unique to XBLHackers.