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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. wut?
  2. Peaches were you joking about the Horizon moving here?
  3. Will this only work for us in UK?
  4. Until horizon is back up, I can't do nothing sorry mate.
  5. I am sorry what? ******* fag
  6. This will all die in a week or so? What are you 5? Please sir, go play outside.
  7. Wow your cool.
  8. Yeah I haven't been able to connect to horizon in ages. It is ******* retarded, why the **** would you pay to hack a ******* site. Jester = complete fag.
  9. I played it the other day, it isn't bad just there are somethings they could improve on.
  10. 5 DOLLAR!
  11. $1
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80hmPz726Es ODST Campaign mods, watch in 720p plox please kkthxbai
  13. Trying to trim a video so it goes under 1gb :)
  14. Nice site dude, I still wouldn't ever send my xbox to you.
  15. Playing some ODST mods.. made by Gabe :) He is awesome
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twis7eD


      :( I'll get the default.xex from someone lol.
    3. Rogue Modder

      Rogue Modder

      ask jesus. Thats how i got all 14 of my devkats.
    4. Twis7eD


      You're a genius!
  16. Dude be quiet.
  17. Herro I herd you liek mudkips :)
  18. I suppose I could join, I don't see any harm. Add me: David iZ Mental
  19. Hello everyone, I am willing to mod your Forza 3 saves. All you have to do is answer these questions: And then upload your save somewhere and give me a download link If I did a good job and you enjoy your new modded save, please donate to me Via Paypal
  20. Tight Bastard.
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