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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. And have it play on xbox360? I don't use disks so I can't burn.
  2. Ahh but if people don't pay for these mod tools/aio's then the creators don't make any money. So then the tool loses money and less and less tools are made.
  3. So yeah... what is the error?
  4. Everyone will leave and the site will be dead -.- You will lose iBotmodz more members then you can gain. Peaches does a brilliant job here and all his hard work would have gone to waste if you buy it.
  5. Did it work?
  6. Done. I have PM'd you.
  7. SNORLAX!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. No I said if the site went down for ever and we didn't get refunds how ever the site is back up sorta and we will keep our VIPS.
  9. http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/8667/73230944.jpg
  10. Hmm... I would live in Hyrule but only if I could have a sword.
  11. The day I take advice from you is the day I die. Also wow dude that is a lot of xbox's. I am sure you can "lend" me one xD
  12. Yeah dude w/e. You never made any of these and you can't say you have.
  13. Making a post without quick reply.
  14. How about you check out mine? http://weplaylive.net/index.php?action=forum
  15. Alright I must intervene. You haven't made any of these applications all you have done is take them from this forum.
  16. Jester is a fag. /Thread
  17. Lol opensource AIO ftw rite?
  18. Because if horizon has stopped then I will not get a refund. I bought VIP about a week before it went down.
  19. What, why would you say that? Meanie it better had come back otherwise I will never purchase anything from that lot again.
  20. Horizon is still down. When it is up I shall mod saves.
  21. It is currently down as they are moving servers.
  22. Is there any?
  23. I never really liked the Gears series until I played it the other day. The campaign was pretty good. I am hoping that Gears 3 isn't going to be gay.
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