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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. Hey... just a question, How come when eva i place all the cod4 gamerpics into a con... why does it not show on my xbox?
  2. Or either you or halodude.. take one of the peeps.. with out a dev-kit and show us... theres proof. No pnet or anything else.
  3. No... As Kink is the leader.. He hacked my site... I aint in no mood to even try and say or do anything to him. Also.... Trying to take members of Ibotmodz, is bad. Peaches or a mod will lock this.
  4. Manchester, England....
  5. Well i am looking for a new comp.... So i might but.... not sure yet.
  6. Awesome Thanks man... +Rep.
  7. Yes you are all inactive... sort it out now. xD
  8. Awesome.. wonder what the Zombie maps gonna be like.
  9. Its not bad.. Played it a few times, But i have never been in the mob before.
  10. That doesn't really say anything.
  11. So.. opened up Cod tool. Found advance tab. Is this used to make things like Zombies can't attack you and can i have the Dvar, Also how do you make it have Unlimited ammo?
  12. Maybe..... But do you get VIP when you donate.
  13. It currupted my profile... Had to recover it again.
  14. Thanks ill try tommorow.
  15. test
  16. Halo 2 support help. Please Photoshop has nothing to do with Halo 2.
  17. Looks awesome POST TEH TUT NAO!
  18. Num Num Num... i er ate your 360 and replaced it with 362.
  19. Ohhhhhhhh? Tell me please.
  20. Thanks peaches......
  21. No its not..... It was awesome.
  22. WTF Whats with all teh numbers.
  23. Wat? anything that is free on the interwebz is fake.
  24. Why? how do you play it? i always get stuck.
  25. Nice idea.
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