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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. Off-topic indeed even for the Off-topic forum.
  2. Lol, *Nightmares*
  3. What is it lol? Never been 1 for PC games.
  4. I comment on my own profile...
  5. http://www.pingtest.net/result/728602.png
  6. I didn't get it...
  7. me dun get it.
  8. If you were as good as me, you would now how to put that into vbulletin, so you could see xboxlive friendslist: Go to: Admin CP > Styles and Templates > Style Manager > ë û > Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates > navbar Find: <if condition="$show['pmwarning']"><div><strong><phrase 1="$vbphrase[pmpercent_nav_compiled]">$vbphrase[your_pm_box_is_x_full]</phrase></strong></div></if> Add this in the space above: <a class="list-db-friends" href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://www.bungie.net/Stats/LiveFriends.aspx', 'FriendsList', 'scrollbars, resizable, width=430, height=520');">Xbox Live Friendslist</a>
  9. Awesome... Indeed it aint.
  10. Wat? Why can't you post some of it here.. I aint downloading.
  11. Lol, can i try it with you guys next time... I PROMISE I WONT DIE....
  12. Awesome ill check it out.
  13. Your only 10, sorry no can do. Sources: Your profile
  14. Thank you... I shall do this tommorow.. On EASY!
  15. http://www.mentalgamers.net/forum/imgupload/uploads/2da0889c8b7a0e91bae8fa3b1df4ea75.png
  16. *Unbans Peaches and steals map resigner source and one of Bungies Devs*
  17. *Shoots the guard*
  18. *Gets of plane with Ibotgang* *Arrives at Bungie Studios*
  19. Bagsy i kill shishka and stosh.
  20. I agree.. *Hands M16 to dan*
  21. iTzoODavidOo


    Lol great pic.
  22. How long to Blueshadowz be back...?
  23. iTzoODavidOo

    WTF? LOL?

  24. Sent
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