Just got supermodders profile tool, i want to add some games, anyone know where i can get gpds? Also relevant: http://www.xbox360-content.com/forums/profile-tool/3902-salvation-xbox-360-profile-tool-keymaker.html
Does anyone have one i can use, my odst disk is broke.. i just got xbox live yesterday, went to try it and well it wouldn't read. Serves me right for lending it to my bro.
*Music plays as the user enters thread* Okay guys, i have finally gathered all the tools i needed to open my own little modding shop. Yes with shops come prices but i am doing everything for FREE or at least if you want to donate for my hard work you can. Paypal email: Tonette1@hotmail.co.uk In this shop, i will be modding profiles and game saves, here is a list of the current games i can mod, and what i can mod on them. Here is a list of things i can do to your profile: Rules: If you want to, and you do have a transfer cable, you can just upload your profile and ill download it, mod it, upload it and give you the link to download it. Current list of users i have helped: