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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. The new zombie map is 20x harder then the old one and the maps are cool
  2. lol
  3. Defo the CHIMERA omg they were cool on resistance fom but it was a shame they could not run and there health went down
  4. I am going to try this is on my offline profile before i use it on my main tell us if it works online cause i dont want to screw up anythiing
  5. What a NOOB i hate NOOBS
  6. If some has super modders profile tool can they post it here please
  7. Wheres the link to download
  8. Have you resigned them and put them back in useing Xplorer360
  9. Rofl
  10. Pics or i didn't happen
  11. Nice but the one on word is better
  12. Screen capture still aint workin for me
  13. Lol for mobs
  14. Cool programmes
  15. Fight Fight Fight Jerry jerry fight fight
  16. Yeah cool game
  17. Ill record somethings but also like ibot i am lazy and cant be bovered to record but i will help anyway what is it that you want recorded
  18. Nice intro you have there
  19. Cool are you putting the vid up on youtube
  20. Yeah what is it
  21. Note pad works fine Screen capture dont work for me
  22. 3d 15h 26m 26s Yeah beat that i need to get out more
  23. Soz i replied to the wrong thread i thought i was on bungie i am dumb
  24. What?????
  25. Hey the first one boosted to get that much exp
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