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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. I have pre-ordered Halo 3:ODST and Modern Warefare 2.
  2. Anyway..... Can i have a invite please lol.
  3. Sorry lol , i have edited it.
  4. Thanks xpargas
  5. Hey i dont have xport and stuff like that and i use a memory card and transfer kit yet , when i open xplorer360 and view my files personal(ANd loads of random numbers) dont appear on any accounts , please can someone tell me what im doing wrong.
  6. So which one of you kind devkit owners is going to do that for me.
  7. Here ya go! Campain_Save_Resigner.rar
  8. So deos it?
  9. iTzoODavidOo


    Epic Thread is Epic.
  10. Glitch maybe.
  11. http://cod4gamercard.com/gamercard/FaTaL%20ExEcUt1oN.cod4.jpg Thanks
  12. To modding.
  13. Looks good , ill download. 100 posts for me
  14. It would take people from the site. So i say no.
  15. You will get used to it.
  16. Looks like a kit to me.
  17. What ya waiting for i wanna see that.
  18. Great maps.
  19. That was bad but you will get better.
  20. Thanks and i can't seem to get roberts working.
  21. I vote choice 3.
  22. Thanks for this , I'm going to try this later.
  23. iTzoODavidOo

    SandBox 3.3

    I prefer to use johnson and a hex editer.
  24. iTzoODavidOo


    I have downloaded and it works fine and looks cool.
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