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Everything posted by iTzoODavidOo

  1. Are you sure cause you have been *Whats the word* to lie.
  2. iTzoODavidOo


    Yeah me to , It seems the more people tell me not to download, I will
  3. Its just a load of green squares
  4. Thats cause vista is better then xp.
  5. They look good.
  6. Ill sleep better tonight now i know that.
  7. Its lookin good. 60 posts yeah
  8. How much would it cost in £££££.
  9. How about adding something like xplorer360 to it and when are you updating it with Johnson and what is the IC-MAKER
  10. You sir are an epic failure
  11. Cool site but maybe you can get the logo to blend in a bit more with the theme.
  12. Cool
  13. Why does it not add Gamerscore and when you unlock the achievement it only shows up when you check your achievements not on xbox.co/Bungie But it does unlock the armor for the corresponding achievement thats
  14. Dam well can you do it for me aswell
  15. It is Criss Cross and my Gamertag is David iZ mental
  16. Can you do that for me because that would be sweet
  17. Yeah that would be cool C4N 1 HAZ HUNTER
  18. What was the screenshot a picture off? And yeah bungie are Nubs
  19. KD as soon as i get my laptop back i will but this ****** computer wont let me plug anything with a USB in it because it goes on the Blue screen
  20. Don't work
  21. I did find this glitch the first time on the new maps he was just the first guy to upload it to youtube which is pointless and probly will end up being blocked now
  22. i know i was in a rush when writing and i know i have to put but i dont want it on youtube because then loads will watch it and it will get blocked
  23. Its been patched move along folks
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