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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Bitter much? Nintendo has lots of good shit for all ages. Last I checked peaches loved pikmin.
  2. shoped
  3. http://www.speedtest.net/result/848582034.png Usually more around 3-4, gotta love the 200gb cap In october they offer cable.
  4. the first lan capable halo is owned by microsoft, so that will literally never happen. Mostly because you kill them
  5. heres a ps1 game:http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/screenshots/2/197182/dune2k_790screen003.jpg heres a wii gamehttp://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/817/817981/super-mario-galaxy-20070905112740834.jpg
  6. no I couldn't read it.
  7. And console. He needs a patch.lvl file
  8. Nope, now the form is broke, you cant type in it.
  9. not me
  10. The button that says sell your broken xbox.
  11. Or maybe they are making the chip and waiting 4 years, just a thought. And its sony, they lost $79.618 billion last year. If anyone would make a chip and not release its them(Though that wasnt my point) They are just preparing so they can be first out this time.
  12. You have still not answered my question....
  13. and you know they plan on releasing it how? They work on these things for years.
  14. ANOTHER name change.
  15. Perhaps you would like to purchase an advertisement on Grunt Mods. How much do you give for a broken xbox? The button doesn't work
  16. reverse physiology perhaps
  17. say that again and ill **** YOUR ASS
  18. Very nice, make the images click-able rather then having to click on the top Perhaps you would like to purchase an advertisement on Grunt Mods. How much do you give for a broken xbox? The button doesn't work
  19. To faggot
  20. no its not, none of the 3 game consoles are getting new versions any time soon. Slim Versions exempt.
  21. http://www.bungie.net/images/News/Inline10/061110/porky.jpg He was an hero.
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