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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. sure thing. Clicky Clicky just extract to another map.(sentinal aliaen or something like that) note:its not my creation its from the killtacular mod pack.
  2. did you resign correctly?
  3. close, but i think you have to do some complex thing with a save film to get it to work on a retail 360, im not sure. i just know it takes skill to convert.
  4. i managed to do the enforcer, but not the sentinal(had it working once though)
  5. no, dev kits use parternet, not live.
  6. me to, we used to talk alot, then bang! no more...........
  7. long time no see. where can i contact shade, i would go to halosource, but its been down so long i dont think its ever coming back.
  8. ummmm..... thats a moniter. ill dl it though its pretty sweet.EDIT:the download link is busted. but i was making a sentinal mod, but the collisions fubar no matter if i use insolence or entinty.
  9. how much did it cost?
  10. gruntmods

    Sentinal Mod

    can someone post a working sentinall mod on containment?
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