Hey everyone, this is the a tool, produced by Team Verocious. Its a tool we made to address the issue of similar apps that require registration, are slow, and need to be paid for(Cough*Modio*Cough) This tool is called Grunt Modder, and will always be free of registration and available to all. As for features, here's what the program currently features: USB XTAF Explorer (Slashr's program)Game FinderHalo: Reach Beta Screenshot ToolHalo: Reach Beta film toolCON Manager (and the offsets in the metadata table are usually wrong for large files, as I'm unsure how to calculate hash offsets so if you extract a file and it seems strange/incomplete, it probably is. And the rehasher sucks dick, so it's recommended if you make any changes to a file, you run it through Hash Block Calculator or something like it)GTA IV Mod ToolRed Dead EXP ModderPre Order Bonuses If something doesn't work, post here about what happened, what you were trying to do, etc. Here are some screenshots of the program: http://halo.gruntmods.com/Files/Grunt%20Modder/Pictures/tut1.jpg http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(2).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(3).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20-%20%5BHalo%20Reach%20Screenshot%20Tool%20-%20CUsersLanderDocumentsMy%20Received%20Filesshote073kcRfacqahaSc7m5QZn6y7nziWcaaaaaa%5D.png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(4).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(5).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(6).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/Grunt%20Modder%20-%20Team%20Verocious%20(7).png http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/New%20Update%201.jpg http://gruntmods.com/CLK/Images/New%20Update%202.jpg Download: http://www.gruntmods.com/CLK/Grunt Modder.exe We ARE actively adding to it, and any tools that you would like to submit would be accepted and credited to you.