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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Not much, we are attempting to fix the rehasher.
  2. the sad thing is there are people who would actually say that lol.
  3. I can`t wait either.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, look for the new tools in the retail release.
  5. Bumped to hide the fail
  6. Thats WINDOWS explorer, which is the menus that let you move files and view folders lol. about the iexplorer, just uninstall internet explorer.
  7. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/topic/17878-360-prog-poma-v2-pre-order-my-ass/
  8. they thought that about hard drive transfer cables too.
  9. Why is this in the original xbox section?
  10. oh my bad, because that really makes a difference........
  11. use bootcamp on your mac.
  12. oh, thought you were installing the same OS a second time lol.
  13. Epic win.
  14. gruntmods


    that's not ignorant, macs are one button, you either need a new mouse or you hold ctrl and click. And the average windows user does not know.
  15. gruntmods


    seeing how most mac users don't even know that......
  16. ero? Mass effect and KOTOR do a good job, so does Halo
  17. its like eye sex
  18. that wont help
  19. ^^^^This
  20. A good RPG and any game that is highly re-playable.
  21. nvm, courtesy of Rob: V1 V2
  22. 3 year bump, must be some kind of record. Floodlab.map
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