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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. City 17:half life 2
  2. do you know what a surge is? its when your lights dim and shit from the increased powerload, seeing how almost everywhere we are strained for power, thats pretty hard to get without lightning.
  3. I said that......
  4. I would like to see proof of that thing survive it, besides, a surge protector cost 5$. I use one just because i don`t have enough power outlets..... Also, ive never had a surge. EVER.
  5. nice, just so happens slasher is making a botnet of course he could be pulling my leg, its one of his favorite pastimes
  6. This is his website http://****aroundfilms.darkbb.com/ his photobucket http://m628.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/Pwnage21 Kudos to rework3d for finding.
  7. It never did... MS has already said you need a protector, and only an idiot would expect the psu to be surge protected.
  8. G8 Summit, G20 Summit
  9. gruntmods

    New Rules.

    Peachy, does this mean I cant link to an offsite download page I just made it and worked hard on it.
  10. New Mombasa Halo 3-Halo 2-Halo 3:ODST
  11. its uncompatible with older programs
  12. cant you rth now?
  13. only members of the site...........
  14. gruntmods


  15. Your best bet would be to add dakote to msn.
  16. Hes already stated thats not what he wants to do.
  17. is this USSR from mod halo?
  18. you cant make a limited version?
  19. or make it open source and completely free and you wont get posts like this:http://www.xboxhacker.org/index.php?topic=15462.0 I understand you put alot of effort into it, but so do other developers, yet it doesn't stop them. Hell, icepirs has to work 2 jobs to afford work on 360 commander, and slasher worked hard on XTAF. I understand that im not going to change your opinion, but please consider this and make a free version with features missing(but not a crippleware version).
  20. Id suggest using programs made for free, such as 360 commander and usb xtaf explorer.
  21. Gruntlord likes to talk in third person like peaches.
  22. thanks
  23. Does anyone have shade45`s or anyother whitepapers for halo 3? I have easyb`s gametype whitepaper, but im missing usermaps and save films.
  24. it was discontinued anyway.
  25. I call them puppets, because I tie them to strings and make them sing and dance.
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