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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Apparently its been unplayable since 2008.
  2. i didnt expect it to read sign language
  3. no. if it wasnt possible in halo 3 it isnt now.
  4. Go **** yourself in a volcano.
  5. You gotta spoil the surprise?
  6. not really, eyetoy is way worse then kinect.
  7. http://www.points2shop.com/topic/14395/Scams-Phishing-Sites-and-Address-Harvesters-sites-to-avoid/1 http://www3.slickdeals.net/forums/showthread.php?sduid=0&t=822773 http://www.buxr.com/wiki/fake_freebie_sites
  8. http://cdn1.knowyourmeme.com/i/30403/original/YouMad.jpg?1260647699
  9. Thanks, Slashr is pro.
  10. I liked the simple play style of halo wars, and I hear civilization revolution works well.
  11. Heres a little preview of the new GruntModder. http://gruntmods.com/images/New%20GUI.jpg http://gruntmods.com/images/New%20GUI2.jpg We have a lot planned. Check in at https://www.gruntmods.com/Xbox or view the RSS Feed at https://gruntmods.com/Xbox/?feed=rss Changes: 2 second quicker load time Update Progress Bar Manual update moved from about page to main form Underlying Code Cleaned up substantially Killing Spree: Halo CON Editor BETA Theres also improvements I`m unable to speak about until its out in a week or two.(It would spoil the surprise) Trust me its worth the wait. If you can find the easter egg in the program and email it to me at gruntlord6@gruntmods.com you will have the chance to beta test the new version. ETA is 2 weeks.
  12. Apple is LOSING mac sales. The reason Microsoft is pissed is because they were smart and captured a new market. Smartphones and Mp3 players. The article is full of so much BS I can hardly read it. Developers hate PCs and almost anything released on it is a port of a console version. An Xbox is a locked hardware platform that is easy to develop for because everyone has the same core hardware, with only minor variations such as no hdd etc. Cross platform play IS possible but all the games that have it suck(shadow run anyone?). Microsoft closed ensemble because they didn't feel they could sustain it anymore. They knew that breaking it down is better for business(Thus the new Robot Entertainment). portable gaming is uncomfortable except on devices like Ipod touch where the games are much simpler.
  13. Obviously you show the unicorns who is boss.................... The hard part is when the land sharks attack the unicorns and you have to escort them to the volcano.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0GjKiy3nSI
  15. If hes rendering he would see a better increase by upgrading video cards as the core2 quad is more then enough. I suggest a gtx 460 as thats what me connors and quinn are getting. If the cpu starts to slow, a good overclocking is what the doctor ordered.
  16. Film Mods and Screenshot Injection are also possible. Although they have modded screenshot detection.
  17. your retarded......................................................
  18. way to spoil the ending! Im only at the part where the unicorns join the covenant!
  19. Submitted in triplicate ( I lost the other 2 copies )
  20. your iphone has 3 different cameras with a dedicated cpu?
  21. GET THE **** OUT OF THERE!
  22. not on some sites I visit
  23. The PDF exploit isn't more risky once you jailbreak. It just uses it, once you have jailbroken the phone, just download a PDF fix via cydia.
  24. proxy.gruntmods.com
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