You can easily mod your acheivments, lulz, and I know where the skull is on sandbox, it was on youtube Here is where it is (SPOILER) and I have a modded gametype where you start with thes skull, lol and you get achievments! But you start with AR on any other map than mythic becuase weapon ID of the mythic skull is not any other map ( iddint make it either)
I have 8GB DDR, 2.4GHz, 2750 GB HDD, and more (but its Vista (x64) if you tell me how I might let you use it free, for a time, then again my internet upload/download isnt the best (intermediate, not slow)but I dunno
100% Absolutley Correct! Marcopolo666, theMetaler666, XboxDevGuy,<--They should start a ****** club! (i dunno about roguemods yet) EDIT: OMFG T3A is telling me to be mature, well you should get some manners and stop saying "no u" and get a life, then comeback and I will respect your descision and be more mature.
Can you screen capture a retail xbox360, because you can with XNA but only XNA games, is it possible, that we can make a small app, where you can enter your IP and screen capture, or possible Video capture?
Does the Xbox 360 have mod chips? and if they do what do they do All I know about is "Infectus 2" which supposbly" loads it's own BIOS which i thought was impossible, but I may just be a noob lol Any help would be appreictaed