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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. .MeLo♥


    Gift was made Closed
  2. .MeLo♥

    Gift for eli

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21604-336.png Tell me if you like CnC
  3. Why would peaches say that...
  4. If you think about it Whenever we think of the word "Gay" we think of two guys doing the dirty, Because you know if you were thinking of two girls doing the "dirty" youd be alllll over that, Just stereotypes, I personally dont care, my uncles are gay but i still love them as much as anyone else Plus they give good fashion tips
  5. Egh, you should just make the border smaller Looks good imo I call it!! No battle!
  6. They cant I put a water mark in ever layer
  7. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21117-345.png http://www.mediafire.com/?jv2m2kwyddw LRO
  8. .MeLo♥

    Gift for lax

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21101-346.png [IMG=http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/ironmansecksdone.png] http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/21101-347.png [IMG=http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xdarkstarxx/ironmansecksv2.png] Take your pick CnC also
  9. Im not saying that you need to blur to blend it, and that its bad Its just big and slapped on
  10. Kill text Border isnt border you just shortened the layer above showing an under layer (maybe not but it looks like that) Nice effects, Kinda monotone use some filters maybe Overall good for a begginer kiu mate
  11. Yea, but that whole time i was grounded, and just a normal member, Im not doubting your past activity, im doubting your current activity, which is rare
  12. Im so happy everyones using the things in my stock pack
  13. What are you talking about, vectors are so hard, Id like to see you try and make a decent vector
  14. I like it pretty cool grundge look But the text needs to blend in a little better Best one, keep up the god work mate
  15. Thank you can i see one of your vectors? Umm, i have never made one xD
  16. Im really sorry man :'( I hope he gets better buddy, i really do
  17. Because its uber uber uber uber illegal xD
  18. Dude thats awesome for your first vector CnC means Critique and Criticism I like it man Peaches will love it
  19. I think i got like, 5 medals removed <.<
  20. Haha Poor secret :[ Fails every second
  21. Lol you didnt lock just bumped xD
  22. What did you do? o.o
  23. Maybe if you didnt come on once every 50 weeks :[
  24. .MeLo♥

    sksk v2

    Niceim provement, thing under the eye is better because its not flowing off the edges now Scary kids scaring kids are awesome But that cd isnt new lol, ive had it for about 2 years xD
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