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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Haha yea man ive seen this reallllllllyyyy funny
  2. Do it music themed i will <3 you
  3. LETS DO IT! you start, ill finish
  4. we need a new skin this one is too plain
  5. Yea, im def moving carrati to retired , dice is active once every blue moon. Were def in need of some new members I think Carrati is very respected... But what can you do. He's just not active. D1CEx14... Well hes got some mad GFX skills. Just not active. (i think he has a life lol). I agree with what your saying. But who is honestly going to join up and be an active gfx member? Cesar, Milkman, Anarchy... ALL gone. I don't know any Gfx guys willing to join. So we'll see what the future holds. Very true dont you have 1337 gfx skills?
  7. Dude ban apples stupid fruit <.<
  8. Yea, im def moving carrati to retired , dice is active once every blue moon. Were def in need of some new members
  9. Nice man Good blending Kiu!
  10. Nice Dont forget that black is now gm leader
  11. I did it. But i didnt like it!
  12. .MeLo♥

    Beautiful ;)

    Dude just practice youll get better than me.
  13. .MeLo♥

    Beautiful ;)

    Give me your dimensions and ill gladly make you one @legacy Yes it is all from scratch er i dont know desktop size whatever that is just make one big! if u get time Kay Ill do 1280 by 900
  14. He said he has nothing to thank you with, So i guess youd bedoing this for the good of humanity? I personally, am not going to do it to much work xD
  15. .MeLo♥

    Beautiful ;)

    Give me your dimensions and ill gladly make you one @legacy Yes it is all from scratch
  16. .MeLo♥

    New sig.

    how you're so good at paint Is beyond me You should try photoshop, with these you'll be pro
  17. .MeLo♥

    Beautiful ;)

  18. Wow, guys just because someone doesnt like your idea dont b**** and cry about it. Dear lord. Grow a pair
  19. Dont tell people not to bump cause thats spam lol But thank you snackpack
  20. Lulz, and as you can tell, i am UBER noob at paint
  21. Not much to CnC Your just pro at animations
  22. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17755-553.png Only thing i did in photoshop was open it, and save it as a .png so the quality wouldnt be so shity as bitmap
  23. I realized that a few months ago. I just think that would be a very unactive section like the Ps3 section. agree agaaain
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