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Everything posted by .MeLo♥

  1. Dude im moving in =D
  2. lul lax that is your best
  3. im not trying to make you look like an idiot i was trying to be friendly and offer you a gfx spot <.<
  4. I dont really like it Because then some nubx0rz with 10 posts can apply to be it, and if he gets it hell get all the free stuff VIP has to offferrr
  5. Get it man vent is fun i use it for wow
  6. I AM FOR TEH WIN We need to have a medal that when you win a competition, you get it
  7. lol i just found out to day its lap top Hahahahahaha thats sweet
  8. I dont get why you call it a lab top lol
  9. Personally id make a skylit drive one haha i just love music :]
  10. Well everyone here is gonna love you
  11. Gracias senor, i got an account
  12. Haha o yea man your is uber secks
  13. DID YOU EVEN RECORD IT? if not it was a waste :[
  14. Yea, im def moving carrati to retired , dice is active once every blue moon. Were def in need of some new members I think Carrati is very respected... But what can you do. He's just not active. D1CEx14... Well hes got some mad GFX skills. Just not active. (i think he has a life lol). I agree with what your saying. But who is honestly going to join up and be an active gfx member? Cesar, Milkman, Anarchy... ALL gone. I don't know any Gfx guys willing to join. So we'll see what the future holds. Very true dont you have 1337 gfx skills? What? Arent you pro at gfx?
  15. After this illstart the photoshop one
  16. Lol here is mine Isnt it just to die for?
  17. Cool son, im winning Thank you all who voted for me
  18. Dude thank you so much I love it bro, love it Color version ftw, idk why you dont like it
  19. its a <3 =
  20. .MeLo♥


    Probably your best Too monotone pen tool across her body doesnt fit kiu
  21. Hi im kevin im kinda nervous to post so im posting here
  22. prob get a prize lool just gotta think of it
  23. Yea those jerks
  24. .MeLo♥


    Dude the last one is smex awesome blending and depth kiu man
  25. A little different cause its hard to copy it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18603-514.png If theres ANYTHING you want changed, just tell me Edit: It cuts the right side off, here is direct link to it http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/xd...mastersnail.png
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